Generally I feel why most of us are associated with each other for some or no reasons at all. Though human being is a social animal but this all is due to his own desires and wants but still we feel safe, secure and boosted with our own people. Whenever we go on line on net there you find many friends and hundreds of followers whom you have started recognizing, there lies a feel good factor in that environment. But still I would like to go with the off-line mode of life when your friends connect to you in real time. Its great to have two long time friends at my place last Sunday.
Long time friends - A Smile of Millions
Reminder for me too as long time I had associated with friends in real world. It’s been through blogs, twitter and e-mails only.
Good frends are a like a jewel to treasure — the ones you actually meet and do things with cannot be replaced with online friendships which might be good but they will never be as great as ones you see in real life.