Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

God Help Those

by | Dec 6, 2007 | Idiosyncrasies

This was the trickiest exam of the session however I was able to do it simply with the strength of psyche. Last evening due to the examination nervousness I was on the verge of missing a dinner organized by our family friends. Eventually I decided to go and it was excellent. I was always those ‘Champu’ kinds who can never dare to take any chance on eleventh hour of exams. Since my school hood days my stomach goes wrong during my exams due to this phobia. But this time I took it very casually and put my best.

Every thing on the surface seemed to be very simple to all. I enjoyed it when some one asked me that how I manage to accomplish my preparations for all the exams with office. I remain composed and replied that, “I did them with little commonsense”. Moreover I would hate to write down a pessimist post next morning. Even in the early morning hours before going for the exam I went to drop my sis-in-law who never saw me studying to the bus station and then from there I was to move for exam. Before I could leave she asked me that why I am going so early to the examination center. She laughed when I answered her “See, I also need to prepare before I appear in any exam.” Anyhow every thing went good and once again it was proved to me that fortune favors the brave, I am glad that this time I was brave.
