Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Cosmic Pull

A Universe in Balance: Gravity and the Spiritual Force that Guides Us

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Idiosyncrasies

Exploring the Intersection of Scientific Laws and Spiritual Truths, and How Gravity Reflects the Inescapable Pull of the Divine in Our Lives

The Law of Attraction

Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force directed along the line of the centres for the two objects that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the separation between the two objects.

Sir Isaac Newton first realized and initiated the concept of gravity in 17th century with the fall of an apple.

But this law existed from eternity as it is inherent in creation. Celestial bodies exert their gravitational attraction on one another, its effect may be seen when two bodies are free to move and are drawn toward each other.

According to physical science, Gravitational Force is the attraction between masses of matter by which every such mass tends toward every other mass with a force varying directly as the product of the masses of matter and inversely as the square of their distances apart.

It means that if the distance between two masses is one meter, the attraction will be relatively stronger and if the distance is increased to two meters the attraction will be one-fourth as powerful.

The Dance of Opposites

The law of gravity is universal, the same in the Earth as in the sun and all objects in space. The sun attracts the Earth and other solar planets and keeps them whirling around it.

Similarly, the Earth attracts the moon. The attraction of the Earth to the bodies on its surface is the same as that to the Moon, the only difference is that the gravitational effect of Earth on the moon is reduced by the square of the distance from the Moon to the Earth’s core.

The mass of the two objects and the distance between them determine the force of gravity. Gravity is not a one-sided pull, but the pull between two objects.

Visualize that there are two bodies, you pull and it comes toward you, but if that body is being pulled away from you with an equal force then there will be a balance.

The moon by centrifugal force is pulling away but the earth’s gravity keeps it in a perfect balance. This balance is crucial to the stability of the universe. Without it, matter would collapse into a singularity or scatter into infinity. Gravity, in its perfect balance, holds the universe together while allowing for the freedom of motion.

It is obvious that the same force of gravity has given balance to the universe otherwise everything would have flown apart or on the contrary would have been gathered around one mass of matter.

This is how we relate to this universe, if we follow this theory it becomes a stunning spiritual analogy.

In an extremely similar fashion human beings are subject to the pull of good and evil (Irrespective of the context the notion of the term ‘pull’ is significant here).

The Spiritual Analogy of Gravity

Yet, the deeper we look into the mechanics of the cosmos, we find that gravity is not just a force of physics but in many ways, a metaphor for the pull of the soul — an invisible but undeniable attraction between beings and ideas.

This force is not merely physical, but also philosophical between the finite and the infinite. Many people take to various diversions, some evil and others are intoxicated by God.

When we understand the law of attraction, we can understand the best way to tune in with the pull of God, and therefore the best way to find him. Our spiritual gravity pulls us toward truth, wisdom, and the divine, though often we are unaware of the forces shaping our lives.

When we throw a stone, it travels with its force until that force dissipates and gravity causes it to fall back to earth. In the same way, we were propelled by God, and our desires are the force that keeps us moving away from him.

A Spiritual Reflection

Setting aside the old superstitious beliefs, we will get an easy reply to why we should seek God. Creation came into being by the power of repulsion God sent forth from himself. By his outgoing force.

God is repulsing us and the world of matter away from Himself, yet at the same time he has instilled in his creation the force of his pull to draw us back into Himself.

If God didn’t pull us we would be completely thrown away into the matter for unending incarnations. The ‘Big Bang’ theory of modern physics provides an interesting relation to this Ancient Hindu belief.

God’s gravity may seem to have failed us sometimes but when our desires are exhausted, we will be drawn towards god again by the power of his gravity.

We engage in a silent dance, a mutual attraction that maintains a delicate balance. The spiritual gravity is a force that operates for a dance between the self and the divine.

Fine… if so, the other question that approaches my head is, But why? Involuntarily an answer permeates in the form of a question ‘Why am I writing this article?’ Of course ‘This is my hobby’. Similarly, this whole universe is God’s Hobby.

Just as the universe is held in balance by the invisible pull of gravity, so are our lives held in balance by the unseen forces of love, truth, and the divine.

So, the next time we wonder about the purpose of life, let us reflect on the cosmic gravity that governs not only the movement of the stars but also the movement of our souls.

. . .

First published in this blog on Oct 29, 2007

Law of Universe


  1. Junyang

    LOA is so deceptively simple: Energy attracts Like Energy. Broken down a little more, this means that everything in this Universe (physical and non-physical) IS Energy that vibrates at various frequencies.

    And it is the nature of the vibrations of this Energy to “attract” themselves to vibrations of a similar frequency. In other words, one “cluster” of Energy attracts itself to other “clusters” of Energy in which it is in vibrational resonance.

    This happens on both a very small and very large scale. For our purposes, we are talking about the very common idea that our “thoughts create our reality”. So start generating and manifest! Watch Bob Proctor on The Law Of Attraction

    The Spark Family

  2. Conscious Minds

    Everything is energy. Your thoughts too, you decide what to do with your energy and for this reason you need to look how you manage your own energy!

  3. Effie Vas

    Thank you for this post and comments.

  4. Steven

    Thanks for sharing, it’s very much appreciated. Abundance to you.


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