Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Identity on Blog

by | Apr 30, 2009 | Writer's Attic

When internet was created the issue was just to connect without a way to know who and what you are connecting to. This limits what we can do with it and exposes us to rising dangers associated with it. If we do nothing, we will face rapidly proliferating episodes of theft and deception which will cumulatively wear down public trust in the Internet.

digital identity As per a report of Technorati one-third of bloggers are concerned for their privacy.

The biggest reasons could be avoidance of being harassed or disapproval from friends, family, or employers on views expressed in the blog.

I believe we should reveal our identity on our blog for a better world. Getting secretive on your blog is fishy.

When I am saying this I m ay be wrong if your blog is a place of Manipulator’s Dream?

The exception for this case could be if you are involved in some act which is not legal in the view of your Government.

Do you know what you are aiming to achieve with your Blog? Do you have objectives in mind as you go on blogging?

Build your Personal Brand

To be reasonable you want to become famous or build your personal brand. May be you want to be seen as an expert in your niche. You want Darren Rowse to notice you. In fact you want to document your passion.

And to communicate what you are working with your workmates, friends and society as a whole. Further more you want to find friends with similar interests of yours.

Majority of Bloggers

The majority of bloggers openly expose their identities on their blogs and recognize the positive impact that blogging has on their personal and professional lives.

More than half are now better known in their industry and one in five have been on TV or the radio because of their blog. There’s no need to over think it – but do at least ponder it for a few minutes.

Digital Identity Services

There have been attempts to add more standardized digital identity services to the Internet. And there have been partial successes in specific domains – like the use of SSL to protect connections to public sites; or of Kerberos within enterprises.


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