Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Study Lamp

by | Oct 28, 2009 | Critique

I have developed a habit to first write down my thoughts on a piece of paper and then compile it on some word processor for further usage or postings. For me ‘writing thoughts’ and ‘typing thoughts’ is slightly different.

Though I am a good typist but still it is a separate job for me. Thinking goes in sync on with scribbling. It has slightly changed so far but I still love jotting my thoughts on a piece of a paper at the first place. It helps me to create a sequence of my thoughts.After started using the Zen word processor Ommwriter Dana I have started loving the ambiance of keystrokes and background music for a while.

As this post is about my adorable study lamp so I must share my love for it. My first study lamp was the one which my Dad used at his work while doing all his repairs. At that point of time I was in 10th standard and my study required one. My dad was kind enough to hand over his lamp to me. and made some alternative arrangements for him . The problem with this lamp was it got heated up quite quickly so I have to take some forced rests during my study sittings which I enjoyed like anything.

Later on I procured another lamp which I am having till date. I used a compact fluorescent bulb in it and it is an awesome buddy for all my reading and writing purposes. The lamp certainly increased my joy of reading and writing. I am having this lamp till date and enjoying it graciously. I really relish my lamp in my continued writings.

This post is a part of the My Tools & Gadgets Blog Series.


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