Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Wisdom tooth brings insufficient wisdom

by | Jan 12, 2011 | Productivity

Wisdom tooth is generally thought to be indicators of wisdom in ones evolution because they appear much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are presumably “wiser” than as a child. Do we need some extra effort to become wise? Wisdom is an comprehension ability to effectively and efficiently apply the available knowledge & perceptions.

As with any decision, a wise decision may be made with incomplete information. Wisdom is a deep understanding and realizing of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to choose or act to consistently produce the optimum results with a minimum of time and energy.

In this blog post we’ll discuss three integral points of wisdom

The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person’s value system and moulding oneself according to it without losing touch with one’s own value system.

When I am a giver, I do not expect others to change according to my value system, but am very easily able to find a way to adapt to the other person’s value system. I never expect from others to understand me, but am able to understand others. So there is never any feeling of negativity for anyone.

As soon as we find someone’s mistake it is natural for us to give correction through our words. We tend to explain to others using a lot of words. Yet we find that in spite of saying the right thing we are not being listened to and our words are just wasted away. We don’t understand at such times where the problem lies.

My words are effective only when we combine them with pure thoughts and inspirational actions. To enable our corrections to others to be effective, we have to combine our thoughts, words and actions. There need to be good wishes in our thoughts which also bring sweetness in our words. We also need to take care that we are putting into action all that we are talking. When we do this we will find that our words are really effective.

Sparkling Heart
The one who has a sparkling clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the balance. So such a person brings happiness for himself and for others through every action he performs.

When I have a clean heart I am able to have an experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy the beauty of the different relationships, each relationship and each person being unique. Thus others are able to get in touch with their inner beauty too. So there is happiness experienced by all.


  1. Virender

    Quite informative………… Nice


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