Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Perspective from Pain

by | Aug 20, 2011 | Productivity

It came as an interesting question that why different people stand different amounts of physical pain. This power of tolerance comes from inner strength and integrity. It is a feeling of just accepting by being generous and open. When you notice that your relationships and interactions are happier then you are using your powers, especially tolerance.

As per my understanding of parapsychology it is all about how our energy system is being channelized. A big part of our energy is consumed in doing physical tasks; the remaining energy is further consumed under different heads the major chunk is taken by the involuntary muscles for performing all the metabolic activities, rest of the energy remains in our subtle system as aura. In many forms of spiritual practice it is attributed as a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person and it consists of various layers of energy, which are vibrating at different rates, the closest level to the physical body contains dense vibrations.

This residual energy in the form of aura has to do something with your ability to stand pains. In fact the tolerance is based on going beyond the small-minded things that divide us. At workplace you might have watched two people doing the same or similar work, to the same deadlines? One with a lot of anxiety and the other is completely relaxed while doing it. Why the difference? Perception, it’s how each one perceives what they do and the possible outcome. Your perception and power of toleration is based on your beliefs. Tolerance is a power that works deeply underground. It is one of the greatest tools in our daily life; a tool for life itself.

Each one of us is blessed with this tool containing  power of tolerance. This spiritual power comes from understanding who you are and standing on the foundation of your values that are sustain you in your truth, no matter what the surrounding circumstances are.

The concluding part of this blog post is continued in next post link as Power to Accept


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