Can you take a single day out of your schedule and focus it on an important issue. If yes today’s post is for you. To raise awareness and trigger a global discussion Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day.
From the big websites to smallest, Blog Action Day is about mass participation. Anyone is free to join in on Blog Action Day and there is no limit on the number of posts, the type of posts or the direction of thoughts and opinions. The purpose of Blog Action Day is to create a discussion.
Blog Action Day has been up from the summers of 2007. By doing so on the same day, the blogging community effectively changes the conversation on the web and focuses audiences around the globe on that issue. The topic for the 2009 edition is climate change, and the date is October 15. However, you can already go to and register your blog to participate.
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