Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Winners Secrets that keep them going

by | Jun 8, 2013 | Productivity

My biggest wish is to have a powerful character by all the self-mastery so that my dreams can be fulfilled in which I want good health, fun filled life, with more mental power to be not less than a champion.

Do you wish some of these too…

If you answered “Yes”, this post is priceless for your quest of being perfect. Mastering healthy lifestyle techniques with self governed strategies including mental conditioning to offer a fully balanced life style. Let’s try find out winners secrets and how  do they do it.

Focus on basics

Have you identified your passion yet? When did you last thought about what you really would like to do with your being? What’s that makes you want to jump out from your bed in the early morning? What is it that makes you feel enthusiastic?

Winners Secrets

If you don’t know, then it’s time to find it out – What is your own Revolution? Doing what you really love can enhance your experience. It fits you completely into your equation. Living your dream in to existence provides you with great joy and contentment.

Who is your role model?

Though it is said – When we are in the elevated company of our self, no bad company can influence us. On the same time we can’t negate the influence who surrounds us.

Choosing your role models and trying to emulate them has always been a good way to keep on improving oneself. If you are hanging around with people who are more capable than yourself, there is a chance that you get inspired to raise your bar on the productivity front.

The role model has the ability to influence not only your lifestyles but values too. How my role model is going to behave to a particular situation is my takeaway from him.

Winner Friends

While working on my self-development I look forward for some support from my role models. I am every where surrounded by them all I need to do is look and recognize them. I always try to listen their mild buzz, and take example from their worthy actions.

The one which inspires us some times may fail to do so because we can’t be in sync with some one all the times. For this, we need to pay extra attention to the kind and quality of company we keep. When we don’t find anyone like that we tend to get disheartened and continue to prove ourselves for not bringing any change in ourselves.

The solution lies in becoming a role model and support for others instead of expecting others to do so. Under all circumstances, if we keep entities like books and supreme being as our companion we won’t be requiring any other company, however strong they might be. We will then be able to bring about change in ourselves.

Cultivate your character

There are people who make things happen. There are people who watch things happen. And there are people who say, “What happened?” So keep on practicing your passion.

Winners Practice

The quality of days, work, and relationships, everything is enriched through enthusiasm. Confidence builds up within and gives the courage to be the best in all we do. This ways our potential slowly increases and we steadily move towards success.

When your every thought and action is directed to your ultimate goals, you become unstoppable and your success and happiness are assured up to an extent. When you cultivate your mind, body and character, your years takes on powerful dimensions that you never thought possible.

[pullquote]Soon you’ll realize that you possess tremendous unexplored potential[/pullquote]

One’s life size is in proportion to courage he possesses. Each and every situation comes with a hidden blessing. Every opportunity brings challenges within; these challenges bring out ones best potential.

One who is caught up with his weaknesses never gets a chance to use these challenging opportunities. When we use all situations as opportunities to recognize our inner potential, we are able to be free from the influence of weaknesses.

Winners Pride

We all possess the potential for a perfect being. We all have the potential to achieve great things and live a life filled with joy, accomplishment and pure bliss. Some people have this potential is hibernated deep inside, waiting only to be tapped and tested.

The most noble pursuit is to ignite this fire for personal mastery and excellence. Our potential is like a seed, we are full with great deal of future potential.

Identify and protest things holding you back

Recognize, who is holding you back. Fact that the only limits on what we can achieve in life are those we create and place on ourselves. Now think about your challenges, the big barricades preventing you moving towards your dreams. You have interpreted each circumstance to be a roadblock or negative element when this is not the case.

Winners Object

Eventually you’ll conclude that you yourself are restricting yourself. Circumstances are your own creation and not the other way around. The only difference which best performers, has created against weak performers, is their urge to train themselves to form their life events.

The first step to a living filled with wonders is to see that your outside world begins from your inside and every single thought must be one that will take you on a perfect path. Your thoughts can create magic and land you into the blissful state you have ever wanted.

[pullquote]Your today’s thoughts are going to build tomorrow’s dreams.[/pullquote]

Expand your horizons

Your effort counts when it start hurting!  Every event happens for a special purpose. Every problem is a special challenge from which we can learn and prosper to new achievement heights.

Every moment is perfect in nature, whether you realize it or not. If you recognize this truth, you will accept every experience with gratitude. You will see the opportunity in every event, no matter how challenging it might appear initially. If you don’t understand this principle, you will never realize the wonderful destiny that is yours for the taking.

Winners Refuse

Simply remember that you alone are responsible for every thought you think every second, every minute, every day and if you do not like it, you have the power to change it.

The mind works like a muscle; if it is weak it can be conditioned for strength. If you currently worry too much or live in the past, this negative habit can be erased by applying different exercises.

[pullquote]You are sitting in the driving seat of your life.[/pullquote]

The most fundamental strategy for success is also most simple – there is no such thing as a negative circumstance, only a circumstance that you may learn from. There are no mistakes in your existence, only lessons which will allow you to grow and advance higher on the self-mastery path.

If you set limits on yourself such as “I am too young to be a multi-millionaire,” “I am not smart enough to be a world leader,” “I am too lazy to start my own business” or, “I don’t have enough money to do this,” your spirit will slowly die and you will fulfil your negative foresight.

There are simply no limits for a person who accepts no limits, so simply stop being a prisoner of your past become the architect of your future.

You are already creating your story!

When you have arrived into this life form – you are already a winner. You have been equipped with everything equally best like others. Now it’s only about sighting your destination, charting your best course and then set sail to your fantastic future!

When you choose a path that is honorable and true to yourself as well as others, your story begins in earnest. It becomes a message – an inspiration to others. Your message can change the world for the better. You can inspire one person or change the many lives.

Once you start doing what drives you towards fulfillment, you’ll find your happiness. You may have to make a bigger leap in order to do what you love. You may have to fight a few battles.

This could mean changing your current style or breaking through the odd comfort zone or overcoming fear, but it’s worth it if it means starting each day with vitality and enthusiasm, knowing that you’re doing exactly what you love. Let your true path unfold.

Even the smallest change can make a difference. As long as truth runs throughout your story, you will always be on the right path. Even if that path becomes difficult at times, you will know in your heart that the journey is the right one. It is an adventure and the journey itself is the reward.

You are a Winner

So, what adventure are you going to have?  Remember you always have a choice. Remember, you can be the hero of your story. You can save the world and even have time for romance! Make sure your story has an inspiring message running through it. And think on every good story has a happy ending!

Winners Secrets no one tell you

It is no guided tour and nice or ugly you are already in the inevitable process of creating your own story! So stop putting other things ahead of yourself. Find your why and get it done. As soon as you find your compelling reason – you need to do it and there will be no other option.

Who is really successful? As per already successful people – Success is being able to go to bed each night without regret with a contented heart. And the real contentment comes when only you know that you have performed well.

Thank You

Image Credits © Svidenovic | Kivi | Peterbetts | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images



  1. Praveen Kumar

    Though nothing secret – yet difficult to realize and retain every single point. For me the biggest secret of getting ahead is getting started. I congratulate you for wonderful compilation.

    • Rohit Sharma

      Thanks Praveen for adding value and your insight to the post 🙂

  2. Sunil

    Great writeup. For me success is getting sound sleep everyday; really.

    • Rohit Sharma

      Thanks Sunil – yes, a well-spent day brings happy sleep and sound sleep is the best meditation 🙂

  3. Imtiaz Ibne Alam

    Well explained Rohit! You just stuck me for a couple of minutes to think about my life again.

    • Rohit Sharma

      Thanks Imtiaz for the nice words – I am really glad if you felt so!

  4. Rajesh

    Rohit , wish list has to b little longer………..ha ha ha


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