Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Beyond Blogging

by | Dec 28, 2009 | Critique

15 of the World’s Most Popular Bloggers Want to Teach You Their Biggest Secrets! The Secrets of Blogging Success! is a 200 page book having MRP of 47 USDs, compiled together by Nathan Hangan and Mike CJ. The book asks you to set goals, plot your course, and get started? Beyond Blogging might be the resource you’ve been searching for, but you won’t know until you crack the cover, roll up your sleeves, and really really get started.

The Book claims : You’ve Heard Think and Grow Rich But Why Not Blog and Grow Rich!

Most of you might have heard following names. All of them are professional blogger. What small amount of their knowledge and expertise that they don’t give away on their blog, they offer in the form of an E-Book or blogging course…often for much less than they could.

* Chris Brogan
* Gary Vaynerchuk
* Chris Guillebeau
* David Risley
* Penelope Trunk
* Chris Garrett
* Darren Rowse
* Pete Cashmore
* Jonathan Fields
* Shama Kabani
* Michael Dunlop
* Steve Pavlina
* iJustine
* Brian Clark
* John Chow

Promotional Review :

Go get it…


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