As a human beings we all have a tendency of taking breaks from our routine jobs, which is good. How to discriminate a break from a blogging blackout?
Blogging blackouts are the periods of time where some unknown force keeps you away from blogging. These stretches of time find you allergic to the keyboard particularly updating your blog. You suddenly don’t have much to say, this temporary liking of yours for real-life interaction outweighs the desire to write and eventually while online you keep busy yourself elsewhere in social media or news. They come to you in small unannounced fits; even you are unaware they are about to occur. Has is it ever happened to you?
In any relationship either you maintain that relation or you simply break it up. There is no space available for the relation where you neither keep your relation and nor break it down. If this is the situation then your partner is in the most annoyed situation. Have you broken up with your blog or kept it in the dilemmatic state where it is simply waiting for you to come one day and has no future? Generally what happens is in most cases, the boyfriend or girlfriend will just move on to another partner. But if I am getting tired of blogging, where should I move on to? Do I have a better option?
I love this badge on indiblogger. Irrespective of the fact that you update your blog or not you just open it once for a while to check any comments. How would you feel when you find that your domain has expired? Something similar happened to me as the email registered with domain controller is the one which I seldom check. So one of the lessons is that keep your email which you daily check. Thanks Lord it was not high time and I was able to rescue my domain. To see a parked page on your lovely blogs URL is one of the most dreadful and shocking experiences to any blogger.
As I have already quoted in my previous posts, blogging frequently is not a limitation but is surely a necessary evil since when you have regular readers, rather your loyal readers. They just pop in for interesting content from you. And if blogging every day is going to maximize my ROI, in terms of satisfied “content readers”, then I’ll probably love ending up blogging more than once in day.
In my case it might be my work hangover, but I think these periods are happening with greater frequency, and I’m not sure what to make of it. I can only compare it to a kind of breakup with your some old relation to whom you are not sure about that what exactly to do. So how’s your blog dating going? Please tell me I’m sure that I am not the only one with trouble in the world.