I am sure you will be amamzed to learn that as more and more business is conducted online, more and more business opportunities are created due to the massive size of the internet. With the help of services like Facebook, Twitter, and email, companies are able to...
All Amusing Stories
Self Steering Bullets
A self-guiding bullet that can steer itself towards its target is being developed for use by the US military. The bullet uses tiny fins to correct the course of its flight allowing it to hit laser-illuminated targets. It is designed to be capable of hitting objects at...
Tribute to the people who lost their lives in 26/11 terror attacks with Flash Mob Rang De Basanti
About 200 people, who broke into a choreographed dance to "Rang De Basanti" near platforms 5 and 6 Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. 23-year-old Shonan Kothari employed with a CSR consultancy in Mumbai came up with the idea. She wanted to pay a tribute to the...
Deadly Fails
Here is an ultimate compilation of deadly fails around the world which is best picks from funny video archives a youtube channel! Though funny but it should never happen to someone. Enjoy and be overcautious! Source : Funny Videos Archives
Facebook Failures
Facebook pride itself for having approximately about eight hundred million active users worldwide and an estimated 4.27 billion USDs in estimated annual revenue – but you don’t approach the 1-billion-users mark without making a few mistakes along the way.. The only...
Employee Engagements
I have seen my colleagues devoting good amount of time in playing games, interacting on online social media, offline socializing, or talking a nap and offcourse frequent smoking sessions at work. To my wonder every where around the world every work place has the same...
What will you leave behind?
What will you leave behind on the web after you die? What will your last social media update or the last post on your blog. By the end of this year, there'll be nearly a billion people on this planet that actively use social networking sites. The one thing that all of...
What users are expecting from mobile web
Do you know currently mobile web users are disappointed with the web as web has not been cutomized completely for them. They expect that all websites should load as quickly as on their mobile phones as if on their desktops. The following infographic provides...
Falling of NASA’s UARS Satellite
An artist's concept of falling UARS NASA's, Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) fell back to Earth at 12:01 a.m. EDT (0401 GMT) on Saturday, Sept. 24, after 20 years of orbiting Earth. The satellite was designed to study the Earth's ozone layer for three years...
Media matrix – 2011
This is 2011 and we live in a world where we’re all constantly bombarded by media streams from a variety of platforms. We'll realize that our habits of media consumption has drastically changed, now every news is at our finger tips. If we look back just 10 years ago...
Happy Programmers’ Day
Are you the one who write the beautiful programming code that contributes little progress to the evolution. Happy Programmers' Day to one and all fellow programmers. Programmer Day is the 256th day of every year, September 13th or the 12th on leap years. It was...
Wireless access through streetlights
What if every light bulb in the world could also transmit data? Imagine using your car headlights to transmit data. By flickering the light from a single LED, a change too quick for the human eye to detect. By using OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing),...
A day from the life of corporate CEO
Is your day similar to these CEO’s? Inc. compiles a list of the 500 fastest-growing private companies in America every year . They have added this graphic - A day in the life of a CEO. What about you? Do you want it to be?
Social media comic
I don’t know anyone who is not fond of comic book heroes! Have you ever thought how your favourite social networks compare to your favourite super heroes? A digital marketing group called Freestyle Interactive has created a beautiful infographic on social media
Power of smiling
I always knew that smiling is contagious but I never realized that smile can act as a predictor of how long one is going to live? A simple smile has a significant effect on your overall health and personality? Though smiling can not be taught so find your own way to...
Interesting facts about Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the freely editable, quick encyclopedia and dictionary website, as per the latest data released by Google in June 2011 it recieved 6,400,000,000 hits. This year the website has completed its ten years. The time till this post is published wikipedia has reached the fifth most visited website of the world. Watch the pictorical citation of facts
Robo Bird
One of the oldest dreams of mankind is to fly like a bird. In 2011 the engineers of the Bionic Learning Network established by Festo, a German technology company, developed a flight model of an artificial smart bird that’s capable of taking off and rising in the air by means of its flapping wings alone.
Expert Driving Techniques
Check out some tips from imingle.com for Expert Driving Techniques That Could Save Your Life. it may help you drive like a pro. But always remember to drive within your abilities and to mind posted speed limits!
Web Behaviour
As per a study entitled ‘Living with the Internet – What is Driving Web Behavior’, designed to better understand the nature of time spent online across the world finds that spontaneous activity on the internet has halved in the last two years as consumers, conscious of the addictive nature of the web, try to stay focused and make better use of time spent online so that they could stay more focused and do more in less time.
60 Seconds Matters
695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on Social Networking site Facebook, Search engine Google serves more that 694,445 queries, 6,600 + pictures are uploaded on Flickr, 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, amounting to 25+ hours of content
Where has my data been stored on Internet?
Have you ever bothered to take care of the information that the data including your pictures, emails & tweets which you continuously keep on uploading on the Internet, Where does it really got stored. Do you know! Majority of our technological memory has been in...
American blogger goes star overnight
BirdAbroad A 27-year-old female American blogger, "BirdAbroad," has been flooded with interview requests from journalists and hundreds of other people. She attracted nearly 1 million hits over the past three days after she posted.about Apple Store false replica in...
Truth About Einstein
The Truth About Einstein - By Bryan AllaTruth About Einsteinin
The First Flight
History Reimagined:
Apollo 11
History Reimagined: