Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

All Cogito Stories

A Symphony of Joy: An Affirmation for Abundance

Today, I feel a wave of happiness that washes over me. My heart brims with the joy radiating from my loved ones.. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, it courses through me through every aspect of my life. It is a perfect time to write down my affirmations about...

Are You Practicing The Art Of Living Holistically

Live holistically and make choices based on the larger whole. We are many in body and one in mind moreover we live and die together, and we cannot really afford to endanger even the tiniest atom of our common world. This is the lesson that our present consumerist...

Silence is the most powerful scream

We do not esteem the value of silence in our lives. Silence is a precious lesson that is learned from the many sufferings of life. Recall the last time you said a foolish thing, something that came to bite you. Why did you say it? Chances are you didn't need to, but...

It’s Ok To Slacken!

Failing to achieve your daily goals is a part of life. Things happen, stuff gets in our way, situations go awry. Yes, it's perfectly fine if you were not able to stick to your schedule all the time. It's ok to slacken. But the most important thing is to get back and...