Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

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No One Owes You Anything

This year's end is giving me goosebumps, I think it's going to be like never before. The most essential thing that I realized is that insulating yourself against failure doesn't ensure success, it only makes success more elusive. Plan for failure. Embrace the failure....

What it takes to become Successful?

Success doesn't come to you, you go to success. Rules of success are self evident once you reach the point where you are committed to do whatever it takes. Six Golden Rules to become Successful Generally price paid for success is not revealed on the surface. Eight...

Who is your role model?

While working on my self-development I look forward on my role models. I am every where surrounded by them all I need to do is look and recognize them. The solution lies in becoming a role model and a source of support for others instead of expecting others to do so.

Live Like Buddha : 8 Codes for Happy Living

Buddha said of death: life is a journey; death is a return to earth, the universe is like an inn, the passing years are like dust. Regard this phantom world as a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, A flash of lightning in a summer cloud, flickering lamp, a phantom and a dream. This blog is about applying Buddha’s eightfold path into daily life.

The Zen of Happiness

As per the surprising science of happiness we feel truly happy even when things don’t go as planned. You can’t buy happiness rather you have inbuilt power of sensitivity to benefit yourself. That is why you must train your system to synthesize happiness.

Beat your stress through eating well

You can beat stress through eating Sattwic food which constitutes the staple food like fruits, grains, seeds, sprouts, it includes dairy products, most vegetables & a moderate amount of spices and herbs. There is no nutrient necessary for optimal human functioning which cannot be obtained from plant food.

Depression surrounds you – How to overcome?

Sometimes in life you feel depressed and have no idea to handle it, the article shares that challenge lies in knowing the strategy to learn living through low states without allowing them to influence your emotional and mental state. Drill down the post to know – How to achieve that?