Whether they’re individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead, not because we have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead, not for them, but for ourselves. And it’s those who start with “why” that have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them.
All Productivity Stories
Does new year resolutions make you look dumb
As we have stepped into the second fortnight of the first month of year, all those who have taken any sort of New Year resolutions, I would like appreciate if you are carrying forward your resolutions. I spend this time of the year in talking to my friends, relatives...
How to cope with lifeless web?
Had it been an internet without spam protections, I can't say how many of us would be up here for the web experience. I am sure all of you also might be receiving dozens of spam mails and comments on your blog without a miss. Thanks to the spam filters! Quite some...
Success Mantra – 17 Points
You might have noticed success indicators by MaryEllen Tribby founder and CEO, WorkingMomsOnly which went viral on social media websites. This chart was inspired by the most successful people. She earnestly explored the activities of some of the smartest, most...
How to be Persuasive
Fifty scientifically proven ways to be Persuasive by Dr. Robert Cialdini & Steve Martin are co-authors (with Dr. Noah Goldstein) of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Business Week International Bestseller. Here is a wonderful work of animation describing...
Plan your work
There are times when I feel to go further for a Ph.D degree, though it is not guarantee of my success but still it is a huge challenge. This year I decided an exercise to unleash my academic potential and targeted UGC Net exam of computer science. Since I was not...
Growing fresh air
A couple of months ago I nurtured the idea to have indoor plants in my home office, it was simply for the purpose to add some ambiance to the room but soon I realized it meant lot more. It not only enhanced my productivity rather i found my plants acting as stress...
Refine your thoughts to realize your dreams
It’s quite rare you get to hearing to someone so intensely focused on learning. The talk is about having goals or letting them go. I believe if we choose not to debate or disagree we can’t refine our thoughts and thus choose not to realize our dreams. It's really...
Too many people have formed this opinion that playing their best game requires them to revolutionalize their lives with multitasking and for this they have turned their lives upside down. You can do it but at the cost of quality. Have you ever wondered, why Apple...
Snooze to Loose
Whenever we see someone in real mess or any news that someone has lost his job or faced a heart attack or someone’s relations are in trouble. Immediately it drags our attention to our own life, job, relation and health. Most often we fix a alarm for ourselves,...
Learning Anything
If you wish to live a so-called Good Life you have to very well ready for learning almost anything. Its simply awesome to have Leo Babauta of Zen Habits with Tim Ferriss of Four Hour Work Week. It’s quite rare you get to hearing to someone so intensely focused on...
A Wish
Have you ever wondered we are not more than the limits we place on ourselves? And we do not realize when we repeatedly do so. Million dollar question What really overshadows us? An urge from the time of our existence – simply a wish.
Heading towards destination
The very objective of doing any task has always been like reaching the destination of accomplishment. The process of execution of this task is like a journey to that particular destination of the assignment which we have undertaken. As you jump into you own...
We have a strategic plan
Playing matters
As described by the Tom Peters the Maestro Ben Zander is the hottest property on the management guru circuit. He talks about the transformation that happens when a kid actually learns music. For one year, two years, even three years, the kid slogs along. He hits every...
Towards Less
I still remember the time of my childhood when I really dreamt of becoming something. I was having some wishes and I seriously wanted to be there. Gradually those intense wishes vanished away and I took some other roles. Dreamers are unfit Our culture has a dreaming...
Negativity can only feed on negativity
Have you ever wondered your productivity is highly dependent on you mood which is further influenced by the type of people you are surrounded with. I daily feel the impact of people in my life, who don't believe in themselves. I have done a little effort to determine...
Get Set Go
In year 2011, total 256,618 people entered NaNoWriMo, but only 36,843 completed it to the end. Have you ever pondered why only 14% of the total were able to accomplish it. Why only always few are able to complete the set targets? Why? I am quite sure as soon as you...
Think least & be happy
Most of us consider to be good to think more, Do you find a tendency in yourself to think more than normal when there is any uncomfortable or challenging situation. Due to our ignorance we believe that its OK. but surprisingly it is not. We usually miss out on the...
Channeling the power of your mind
Let us be thankful that despite of our very little efforts to run this universe, the story of our life will definitely have a happy ending. We will succeed in our endeavour because certainly some supreme power is with us, and will be with us, all the way. The end...
Keep alive your real self
Excessive attachment to a glorious past is a shade of the negative emotion of ego which colors my present perception of external events and which affects my present actions and responses, as a result of which not only present but my future is also affected. As I hold...
Next Thirty Days
Our life is governed by our habits, a time of thirty days is the enough to add a new habit or subtract a habit 'like watching the news on TV' from your life. What habits you want to get rid off or add on? The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not,...
Universe is Alive
The world's most famous Law of Conservation reveals that every thing in the Universe is made up of energy. You are part of the same energy that is the entire universe. It is critically important that you grasp what that means, you are part of the universe. The word...
Parent Perspective
There are times when we scold our children, abandon them but still we love them, love like anything. The short span of difficult time soon ends and is not able to stand the intense irresistible emotion of affection Human perceptions are all awry and very limited. When...
The Magical Mirror
Take a few minutes and see your life condition, your current circumstances, your emotional condition, your material possessions, where and how you live, your relationships, the situations surrounding your life and the situations you where you see yourself most...