जिस पल आपकी मृत्यु हो जाती है, उसी पल से आपकी पहचान एक "बॉडी" बन जाती है। अरे... "बॉडी" लेकर आइये, "बॉडी" को उठाइये, ऐसे शब्दो से आपको पुकारा जाता है, वे लोग भी आपको आपके नाम से नही पुकारते , जिन्हे प्रभावित करने के लिये आपने अपनी पूरी जिंदगी खर्च कर दी। इसीलिए......
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क्वॉरंटीन , आइसोलेशन और छुआ छूत का इतिहास – ब्लडी इंडियन ।
जब किसी की मृत्यु होती थी तब भी 13 दिन तक उस घर में कोई प्रवेश नहीं करता था। यही आइसोलेशन था। क्योंकि मृत्यु या तो किसी बीमारी से होती है या वृद्धावस्था के कारण जिसमें शरीर तमाम रोगों का घर होता है। यह रोग हर जगह न फैले इसलिए 14 दिन का क्वॉरंटीन बनाया गया। जो शव को...
मैं न होता, तो क्या होता ?
“अशोक वाटिका" में जिस समय रावण क्रोध में भरकर, तलवार लेकर, सीता माँ को मारने के लिए दौड़ पड़ा, तब हनुमान जी को लगा, कि इसकी तलवार छीन कर, इसका सर काट लेना चाहिये! किन्तु, अगले ही क्षण, उन्हों ने देखा "मंदोदरी" ने रावण का हाथ पकड़ लिया ! यह देखकर वे गदगद हो गये! वे...
महाभारत के नौ सार सूत्र
यदि "महाभारत" को पढ़ने का समय न हो तो भी इसके नौ सार- सूत्र हमारे जीवन में उपयोगी सिद्ध हो सकते है : एक: संतानों की गलत माँग और हठ पर समय रहते अंकुश नहीं लगाया गया, तो अंत में आप असहाय हो जायेंगे- कौरव दो: आप भले ही कितने बलवान हो लेकिन अधर्म के साथ हो तो, आपकी...
भारतीय परिवारों की विडम्बना ।
परिवार खत्म होते जा रहे हैं। दो भाई वाले परिवार भी अब आखरी स्टेज पर हैं । पहले कच्चे घरो में भी बड़े परिवार रह लेते थे। अब बड़े बंगलो में भी ढाई तीन लोग रहने का फैशन चल पड़ा है। मन दुखी होता है सब सोचकर हम को ईमानदारी से इस दिशा में सोचना चाहिए। इस चुनौती पूर्ण सदी में...
विटामिन ऍम के बिना भी क्या जीना
आलस्य इंसान का सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन है। यह सच नहीं है। मेरे हिसाब से विटामिन ऍम की कमी इंसान की सबसे बड़ी शत्रु है। ऍम शब्द अंग्रेज़ी के शब्द मनी से लिया गया है। मैं एक ठीक ठाक चुस्त दुरुस्त इंसान हूँ परन्तु सेवा निवृति के समय काफी सारा धन एक साथ मिल जाने के कारण मेरी चुस्ती...
कुछ छूट न जाये !
तीन महीने के बच्चे को दाई के पास रखकर नौकरी पर जाने वाली माँ को दाई ने पूछा, कुछ रह तो नहीं गया? पर्स, चाबी सब ले लिया ना…? अब वो कैसे हाँ कहे, पैसे के पीछे भागते भागते सब कुछ पाने की ख्वाहिश में वो जिसके लिये सब कुछ कर रही है, वह ही रह गया है… शादी में दुल्हन को विदा...
Cannabis impact on your physical fitness and Covid-19 Era
Cannabis has been stigmatized in some countries. However, a study explored the correlation between marijuana and fitness. If people still think that those who use cannabis laze around in their couches all day, they probably haven’t been exposed to athletes who use...
मैं न होता, तो क्या होता ?
“अशोक वाटिका" में जिस समय रावण क्रोध में भरकर, तलवार लेकर, सीता माँ को मारने के लिए दौड़ पड़ा, तब हनुमान जी को लगा, कि इसकी तलवार छीन कर, इसका सर काट लेना चाहिये! सुंदरकांड में एक प्रसंग है! “मैं न होता, तो क्या होता?” किन्तु, अगले ही क्षण, उन्हों ने देखा "मंदोदरी" ने...
Information you must know if you ever encounter a car accident in Seattle
Have you been in a car accident in Seattle? Read on for all the information you could possibly need on what to do and who to talk to when you have been in an automobile accident in the city of Seattle. It can be extremely stressful to get in a car accident, especially...
Reasons Why Home Inspections Are Always Necessary
Your home is your biggest investment. Home inspection is a crucial process for buying a house which can eventually save you a lot of time and money. Sometimes because we are too excited when buying a new home and forget that building inspections must precede every...
What Is Your Destination – Where Do You See Yourself?
We live in a world where opportunities are plenty. A successful life is a coalition of many elements. But it starts with one thing - your life's aim! Yes, ask yourself - What’s your destination?! A large majority of children now has access to education, and they are...
Branding Mistakes Which Are Cringe worthy & Can Cost Huge Bucks To Your Startup
In business world, branding mistakes are quite common. They are most often or not, unavoidable and teach us more than our success do. But not all mistakes are considered equal. Unlike big established brands, when a startup makes some crucial mistakes, it can cost...
CodeLobster A Free portable IDE for PHP HTML CSS JavaScript Development
Most web developers needs IDE designed to work with HTML, JavaScript, CSS and PHP. One of the market leaders in this segment is CodeLobster. First of all, the program is free (with the original set of functions). Secondly, there is everything in it that you may need...
A letter to Neerja for being an inspiration role model
Neerja was the Senior Flight Purser on a Pan Am flight which was hijacked at Karachi airport by 4 heavily armed hijackers. The pilot and the flight crew fled from the cockpit. Setting aside all concern for her personal safety, Neerja Bhanot identified herself to the...
Crowdfunding Campaign – Eight Compelling Reasons to Start
Did you know that crowdfunding brings about $50 000 per hour? It finances social projects, music albums, science innovations, movies, applications, and much more startups. Undoubtedly, that’s one of the fastest ways to get the support from the whole world. But does...
Is having a daughter in Indian society really not enough?
Prashant jee, ek beta kar lo ab aap! "Go for a son and your family will be complete & perfect” a guy advised me. “I have a beautiful daughter, what makes you think that my family is imperfect at the moment?” To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a...
What are your expectations from Apple’s next iPhone? – A Sneak Peak Preview
Like always Apple is on its way to launching a new product that will take the tech market by storm. After all the hullabaloo surrounding the iPhone 6 series, people seem to have moved on and are now looking forward to the 7 series. It is obviously expected to have...
If Healthy Life is Your Resolve Eating Organic Food Is First Step Towards It
Whenever we are going to buy some food, we are always confused whether to buy organic food or chemical fertilized foods. Well organic foods are smart priority to stay healthy and fit. Organic foods are those which are grown without usage of chemical fertilizers....
Electrical Sensitivity & Electromagnetic Allergy
Do you know anything known electrosensitivity. It’s a new disease – Doctors call it “electromagnetic allergy”. Yet not confirmed by the WHO, Surprisingly every year it brings more problems to humanity and this illness can become the most awful enemy of the next generation. – An insight by Paul Smith
How to Observe Effective Blog Promotion
No matter how much good quality content gets published on a website, it is really not adequate to bring good traffic for a blog. Promotion has to be done by all means & SEO techniques, which in turn proves helpful to create a good image for a product, service or a website. Individuals engaged in the providing online marketing services make use of blogs, to popularize a website for the purpose of generation of good traffic over various search engines. Few highly effectively ways to promote a blog are discussed here.
Nobody is really reading your mails
Increase your mail deliverability for effective email marketing
Bug of Blogger’s Block
Let's Spot & eliminate - Bug of Blogger’s Block The truth is that there is not much difference between blogger's block and writer's block. However, blogging itself is somewhat of a different writing format, and it tends to require a more casual or conversational...
Knowledge Management Systems & Design
this is a guest post by Tim Lackey, if you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Knowledge Management systems relate closely to a life cycle. In most cases, it starts with a plan with the justification, and it ends with a system tailored...
Adding Personality to Your Blog
this is a guest post by Melanie Slaugh, if you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. You’ve been tweeting out links to your latest blog posts, attaching all of the appropriate keywords, and utilizing all of the most current SEO tactics,...