Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

All Writer’s Attic Stories

The Monologue of a Distant Friend

Lost Conversations and Faded Bonds with Shadows of the Past and Echoes of the Present The bright, sunlit days of college, filled with laughter and shared dreams, now felt like a distant memory. Thirty years had passed, changing us from carefree students into more...

A Journey of Writing and Growth

My profound feeling is that writing completes me and this is the story of my love affair with medium I first fell for Medium on Monday, February 6, 2017. It wasn’t just another platform; I was drawn in by its beautiful typography and clean, minimalist design. It felt...

How to Observe Effective Blog Promotion

No matter how much good quality content gets published on a website, it is really not adequate to bring good traffic for a blog. Promotion has to be done by all means & SEO techniques, which in turn proves helpful to create a good image for a product, service or a website. Individuals engaged in the providing online marketing services make use of blogs, to popularize a website for the purpose of generation of good traffic over various search engines. Few highly effectively ways to promote a blog are discussed here.

Neighbours getting together to learn something

I am always up and excited to learn things and its awesome if it is a blogger’s meet – Can’t wait for the upcoming bloggers meet at Chandigarh! Some really serious bloggers of north India are gathering in tri-city to speak their heart out on 5th May, 2013. My talk is on Social Media

Art of Quality

The quality has always remained a buzzword in the business management. How can we imagine our blogs without aiming at the quality. Every single blog out there needs to prepare a road map for the journey towards quality. Quality improvement is the fundamental business...

Reasons to continue your blog

Do you often ask yourself, Is your blog going to turn successful? This post can be a turn around strategy for you to flip your blogging carrier to some new heights. I see blogging as pole vaulting where a person uses a long, flexible pole (which is your blog) as an...

Commitment is in Air

It’s November 1st, and we can see there is lot of commitment already in the air with NaNoWriMo. NaBloPoMo is also upon us, participants in this event pledge, every November, to writing a blog post every day.. It is the perfect time to put your thinking cap on, and...

Bug of Blogger’s Block

Let's Spot & eliminate - Bug of Blogger’s Block The truth is that there is not much difference between blogger's block and writer's block. However, blogging itself is somewhat of a different writing format, and it tends to require a more casual or conversational...

I am on my way

Throughout our daily routine right from the time we wake up till we go to sleep at night, we all always have something to think about, to say and something to do. We are occupied and are busy. The question is whether everything that we do forms part of our life...

Adding Personality to Your Blog

this is a guest post by Melanie Slaugh, if you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. You’ve been tweeting out links to your latest blog posts, attaching all of the appropriate keywords, and utilizing all of the most current SEO tactics,...

Put it in your prayer

The question which confronts me today is that "How much you love your blog?". What are you ready to give in order to make it successful.You might have poured all your intellect and effort in order to make your blog successful. Have you ever conceived it emotionally. ...

Blogs are Increasing

You probably have seen many times over the past years the news that blogging is at the verge of its extinction because micro-blogging social networks sites have replaced it. After having look on following reports I couldn’t agree to it any more. Online buzz It is true...

Your words can make you immortal

Your 1000 words can make you immortal and your 140 characters is just distribution. Yes your 140 characters may be served in order to distribute the 1000 words. These words from Brian seem to be quite pitching in the blogging context.

Make the most of your WordPress

There are some times when blogging heroes miss out the most fundamental features. Most of us are using or have used during our blogging. I am quite sure that the updated version of Learn is sure to teach you something that you don’t already...

Why blogging goals?

Have you set your blogging goals? Not yet, it’s the time to go through this post. People often feel subconsciously that if they don’t set goals they can’t fail. But they are failures nevertheless for having no goals.

Art of Blogging

Just constantly put yourself out there, even when you’re not writing a single word on your blog but constantly thinking about it, you are contributing towards it. So be dedicated to it, constantly engage in the conversation, find the things that you’re passionate about, and write about those.

Where the blog is without fear

Where the mind is without fear (Chitto jetha bhayashunyo) is among one of the most quoted poems written by Rabindranath Tagore. I was recently reading it and found some analogy for successful blogging.

Offline branding of blog

Be it offline or online the blog promotion has remained quite strategic. You shouldn’t and can’t force anyone to visit your blog on the same time you can’t afford to leave any chance to send a visitor to your blog. Including your blogs’ URL innovatively in your business card can help you doing so. This week I received my pack of business cards which I got reprinted from my printer.

Successful bloggers’ ABC

Creating this blog and writing on it has been one of the most wonderful things in my life. It has not given me money or fame up till now. It has given me something more than this, despite of value addition it has helped me attaining immense happiness and a job I love doing.