Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Child’s First School – Home

by | Jan 22, 2009 | Productivity

There is a severe competition in every sphere of life. In competition there are only two options for us, either we win or we lose. One who always wins should also keep themselves ready to lose. This is quite natural but do we get prepared to absorb the shock to defeat.

Have you ever pondered on the behaviour of little children? Whenever they fall down on ground their eyes search fro their parents in the surroundings. In case they found their parents they start crying with unstoppable tears and increased intensity of sound. In case nobody is around they will move on as if nothing has happened. This behaviour of child clearly signifies that he/she knows who to react on a particular situation.

The children who try to raise themselves without any support learn to tackles the defeats and low periods of life. Whereas other children find it very difficult to adjust themselves in this scale.

Something should be done by the parents who can help children overcoming getting defeated. In order to make our children real winners we should teach them in altogether different manner.

Do you have any suggestions?

1 Comment

  1. Mary Campbell

    This is a very good question, and it raises probably the toughest issue in parenting — (a) giving your children the freedom (and respect) to fail, and (b) protecting them from pain and comforting them when they are hurt. As a parent, you try to find the right balance, but it keeps changing. Every day, you have to give them a tiny bit more rope. Emotionally, you want desperately to keep them from being hurt and disappointed. Rationally, you know that they need to experience the consequences of their actions, good and bad, if they are going to be well adjusted, sane, rational adults. So you do the best you can, and you pray a lot!


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