Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Commitment is in Air

by | Nov 1, 2012 | Writer's Attic


It’s November 1st, and we can see there is lot of commitment already in the air with NaNoWriMo. NaBloPoMo is also upon us, participants in this event pledge, every November, to writing a blog post every day.. It is the perfect time to put your thinking cap on, and have some extra coffee to fire up your writings.

NaBloPoMo was founded by Eden Kennedy in the month of November back in year 2006, as she put it, a “goof” on National Novel Writing Month. Eden challenged bloggers to post every day for the month of November, And blogosphere retiliated the madness which she inspires every year.

You know all blogs deserve some love, If you are not participating as a NaBloPoMo blogger then your mission is simply to comment on any of your favorite blogs, once a day in the month of November as a show of support. This will also prove that you can read and that you think blogging is nice.

I am not a avid but passionately love blogging so I am here into this blogging party. November month for NaBloPoMo is quite significant as it is the the birthday of this blogging project. This particular month doesn’t carry a separate theme. Instead, the theme for November is Blogging for Blogging’s sake. I’m afraid about writing a quality post every day for a month but definitely shall give a try. 😉


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