Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Happiness brings Courage

by | Jan 1, 2011 | Productivity

Courage has always been a concept generating interest in the field of psychology. It is the element which brings success and is a mix of Bravery, Perseverance, Honesty, Zest. Even after repeated trials and failures, when one does not lose courage, there is the ability to go on trying till success is achieved.

Courage comes with the understanding that there is surely a way out. So a lot more effort is put in to find the right way. Success, which had been eluding for a long time will be finally attained.

To make something big as small or to make something small as big depends on one’s state of mind. When one’s state of mind is good, to deal with situations becomes easy. So even difficult situations are crossed over with great ease. Then there will be no dependency on the external situations to change the internal state of mind. That is, there will never be a reaction to external situations but there will be always stability.

When our state of mind is good and powerful, We are confident of ourselevs and are able to easily win over all obstacles. Otherwise, the situation takes hold of the internal state of our mind and we find ourselves bound by the situation. At such a time, we find the smallest situation to a very big obstacle. But with faith in us that we are very easily able to use my inner power to overcome situations.

In a way the level of courage also determines our state of mind because the difficulty of the situation lies in one’s own mind. When we have courage, we have hope. We will not give up the task mid way, but will put in continued effort. Because of this there is no difficulty experienced even whilst putting in extra effort but we do everything with enthusiasm and happiness. So nothing seems difficult and we easily move towards success.


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