Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Do it now or repent later

by | Mar 14, 2012 | Productivity

There are a lot of people who are not used to thinking for themselves or even prefer being a YES man going along with what others think and say, without having an opinion of their own.


Also as you pass through your childhood and teenage life and enter adulthood, you acquire many preconceived ideas or beliefs from your family and social and cultural environment; that is why you assume inside that some things or people are always positive and others are always negative when, in fact, that is not necessarily true. This directly affects the type of decisions you make, each time there is a requirement for one.

In any particular situation, courage, wisdom, high self-esteem and focus is required to sit down calmly and make an assessment about the possible choices before you, and then finally make the right decision.

The more you practice relaxation, positive thinking and meditation, the more you rise above all the negatively influencing factors mentioned above, the more you experience the positive qualities and powers mentioned above and exercise your power of choice accurately and with confidence.

With whom does the choice to make your decisions lie? Are you going to be dominated by your fears and other negatively powerful influences, which paralyze your judgment power and confuse you sometimes or are you going to exercise your choice?

When someone dominates you, they control you and make you feel irritated, frustrated and weak; they satisfy their own ego like that by controlling you and bringing you under their influence. You need to decide if you are comfortable being a victim of the other by being the one who satisfies the egos of others.

It is not a very healthy attitude, on their part, but it happens in many relationships and we fall prey to that, because of a lack of spiritual power.

Get back your personal ruling and controlling power and do not be afraid to be free and responsible for your choices. From today on, promise yourself that you will not allow your husband or wife, or children, or your friend, or mother-in-law, or your office colleague, anybody for that matter, influence the power of choice, the power to decide, that you possess. In the end, that way they will be happier; perhaps not at first, because a power game is created. Your personal freedom will lead to a healthier relationship, in the long run. Its fine to take an opinion or a viewpoint or support from someone, but there is a fine line between that and being controlled by someone, which we, many a times cross, and become a victim.

You are free when you take responsibility for what you are and how you feel. Stop multitasking and sit back calmly every morning to realize everything that has influenced you and know how to clear it, so that only the highest, the most positive influence you.

This depends on each one of us. In our present society, there are many influencing factors, from the most negative, violent, corrupt and mediocre, to the purest, highest and most spiritual. It depends on each one what you want to consume and allow to be influenced by.


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