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Being in this world…

Beat your stress through eating well

by | Apr 23, 2013 | Productivity

Be it exams, work load or even traffic-jams you face many events in your daily life which bring in much stress. If this stress in your life is affecting how you work and socialize, you definitely need a way to come out.

Too much stress can make you feel exhausted, dejected and even ill. Here are some very effective tried and tested handy suggestions regarding your nutrition which will help you out.

Have Stress Free Meals

When you sit to eat don’t do anything else. While stressed you may feel motivated to try new things. You may also end up in overeating, you may desire foods such as highly processed food like toast, or cookies, cakes, chips during stress – which can lead you to further health hazards as these foods are higher in fat, toxin and chemically-constituted.

One of the significant point which is generally overlooked is how well you nourish yourself during times of stress. It’s true that our favorite foods actually can reduce our stress levels, but moderation is key. The body can only work efficiently with about three teaspoons of sugar in the bloodstream at any instant. Anything over this may suppress your immune system for the next six hours.

Cut out processed foods with levels of chemical additives as these can cause hyperactivity. Eat a nutrient-packed, high fiber diet. Choose more whole grains, vegetables, fruit and legumes beans, lentils.

Eating healthy, nutritious and in limit plays a crucial role in your ability to deal with times of extra stress can certainly help. Always eat breakfast in the morning as this gets your system working for the day.

Schedule Your Meals

Eat lighter meals (three to six) more often so having healthy snack is a brilliant idea. It may be lower fat cheese and whole grain crackers, fresh fruit or hard-boiled eggs. You may include foods from different food groups like vegetables and fruit, grain produces, milk or some other options.

Fresh organic food is the best source. If you can’t get fresh, frozen vegetables are a reasonable alternative as much of their nutritional content is retained.

Take the time to sit down for meals and snacks. Eat slowly and enjoy the taste. Learn true hunger and fullness. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied.

Natural is Best

You only require food supplements if your diet is missing sufficient quantities of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids. If you are following already a balanced diet, your body doesn’t need extra nutrients when you are under emotional stress.

If you want a strong nervous system, you need more multi-vitamins, and other minerals. And the greatest source of these nutrients is from food, rather than the food supplements. So eat a balanced diet of meat, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables rather than supplements.

However, if you eat poorly,, your body may not get enough nutrients. If you have questions about taking multivitamins and mineral supplements, talk to your registered doctor or a dietitian.

Water Therapy

If you want to deal with stress, start drinking more water as this will help in flushing toxins out of your system and hydrate you. Also it might help you to get rid of bad breath.

Water quenches your thirst and helps you feel full, which can curb the urge for caffeine or stress-related eating. Eat plenty of live water foods as well. It hydrates every part of the body and brain and helps you to better cope with stressful situations. Approximately eight glasses per day. , a good rule is to take a few sips every 15 minutes.

If you regularly consume a lot of caffeine, cutting down tea, colas and all the other caffeine drinks. Drink green tea, fruit tea, herbal tea or even hot water with lemon may help you feel calmer when under stress.

Alcohol supplies little to no nutrients so to have couple of alcoholic drinks is nice but attempt to match each drink with a glass of water or juice.

With this therapy you’ll experience some weight loss, It purifies your whole body, reliefs from stress, you feel fresh and beautiful with glowing skin, you feel energetic throughout the day and your digestion becomes better.

If you observe all of the above points there is a good chance you’ll begin to feel a difference in your vitality, your emotions and your energy levels.

Add some more points which I missed upon. 🙂

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