Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Physical exercise turns you creative

by | Oct 4, 2011 | Productivity


My blogging sessions are comparatively longer during weekends and I feel more tired and less creative during this phase.

Creativity at decline

This leads me to say, the people who are book worms and keep themselves slightly away from physical exertions are less creative then the people who keep themselves busy along with their body and mind.


All of us know that physical exercise is good for our body and muscles have you ever thought what is its impact on our thinking brain? My this opinion got good support when I read a particular scientific study which says that the mitochondria count of our body is highly dependent on the physical exertion we undergo. Consequently it increases the resistance and strength of our body. It also brings many positive changes in our brain, we experience increase in memory and a positivity of thoughts.


Though the mechanism hidden behind this process is still a mystery but the study aimed to determine the effect of physical exertion on mice which used in a treadmill running study where as others were kept in quite easy and letahrgic environment. . After four weeks there were many differences in the percieving pattern of both groups.

You might be aware of the fact that more than 20% of your body’s blood and oxygen go directly to the brain. Exercise, particularly cardio training, effectively increases the flow to the brain, keeping it a well-oiled machine.


If you are devoting your normal full day inside your home office than you really requires a pair of dumbbell weights so that you may undergo some light excercises during your breaks. If you’re really pressed for time, something as simple as opening a window and getting fresh air can give your brain the extra juice it needs.

This post is a part of the Creating proficient home office Series.

1 Comment

  1. SBS

    Very informative post.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.


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