Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Experiencing True Essence

by | Dec 15, 2011 | Productivity

The whole process is an exploration of the truth about oneself, about the mental-physical structure as it is, not as you would like it to be. It is an investigation of reality. You sit down and close your eyes. There is no sound, no outside disturbance, no movement of the body.

True Essence

At that moment the most prominent activity within yourself is respiration. You begin by observing this reality in natural breath, as it enters and leaves the nostrils.

I feel comfortable and attentive. I am conscious of my thoughts and I direct my attention to my breathing. I breathe gently and deeply. I begin to feel how my body and mind relax.

I let go of the things from outside. I feel free, like an observer, beyond everything that surrounds me: people, objects, sounds, worries… Everything slips away from my mind. They pass and go away like the clouds in the sky, until they fade away and everything remains completely clear.

I open a door. It is the door of my inner world. I discover that it is like an immense ocean. In the depths of my inner being there is silence, peace, calm and serenity. I go within. I let go of the past and I see it disappear.

I submerge myself in this unlimited ocean, where all the mundane (related to the physical and my day-to-day routine) and negative thoughts melt away. Before me, there opens a path of light that takes me to the depths, where my true essence is found.

I see, in front of me, on this path of light, a star, marvelous and radiant with light. From it radiate rays of peace and love, towards me. My mind is tranquilized; I am filled with silence and peace. My thoughts are full of light, of peace, of love. I feel a deep acceptance and serenity inside me. In this space of silence I am with myself.

I feel free, light, peaceful and free of worries. I am at peace. I feel peace. I am free. I am myself.

Now it is time to return. I breathe gently and I am aware of the place I am in. I feel tranquility, silence, peace, wellbeing. My eyes and my face express this wellbeing. I feel myself free. I feel well with myself and with others.


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