Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Finding Favour

by | May 8, 2011 | Productivity

This article cites how law of attraction works in your life. As we already know the mass of the two objects and the distance between them determines the force of gravity. Gravity is not a one sided pull, but the pull between two objects. Visualize that there are two bodies, you pull and it comes toward you, but if that body is being pulled away from you with an equal force then there will be a balance.

The moon by centrifugal force is pulling away from the earth but the gravitational attraction of the earth towards the moon keeps a balance. It is obvious that same force of gravity has given balance to the universe otherwise everything would have flown apart or on contrary would have been gathered round one mass of matter.

This is something how we relate ourselves to this universe, if we follow this theory it becomes a stunning spiritual analogy. In extremely similar fashion human beings are subject to the pull of good and evil. Many people take to various evil diversions; some are intoxicated to the God. When we understand the law of attraction, we can understand the best way to tune in with the pull of God, and therefore the best way to find him.

If we are alert to opportunities that will satisfy our most serious vision and ambitions in life, it is surprising how often these opportunities will tend to come themselves in front of us. These are the rules of attraction – the most mysterious ways by which on one side your need and on the other, its fulfilment are drawn together.

You should be careful with what you are afraid of, because you can invoke (call for or attract) it. Our fears are like a magnet. If you are afraid that something will happen to you and you get obsessed about it happening, you are effectively invoking it to happen. In fact you begin to visualize that it might happen or how it might happen, this terrifies you and it closes you into a phobia and a state of fear. What you are doing is invoking it to happen, because the power of the mind and visualization is very great. If you are afraid that you might be robbed, or of meeting with an accident, or of losing, you are invoking the robbery, the accident and the loss. Fear of rejection produces rejection.

That is how extraordinary the power of our mind is. That does not mean to say that we should not take the necessary precautions. An old man knows that to fall can mean his bones might break more easily. He should not be preoccupied with a fear of falling; he simply needs to apply attention and precaution when walking. But when precaution is confused with fear, it is not a healthy precaution or one that is free from worries.

After understanding this striking fact, create your vision by identifying your goals, objectives and tasks. Make yourself a magnet. This means having faith that you will get the suitable opportunities to fulfil your vision and recognize the signs they are giving you – which may not be direct. Look out for such signs with patience, and act on them when they come.

In order to fulfill our vision, we must not become too “attached” to our targets. This is not a sign of weak-mindedness or a lack of commitment: rather it is a sign of wisdom. By “letting go” (becoming detached) of our goals or objectives, we become more relaxed in our attitude toward them. The journey is no longer tiring and stressful, because we don’t have to struggle, life’s circumstances will present us with the right opportunities.


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