Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Gaps in blogging

by | Jun 15, 2011 | Writer's Attic

Do you also face gaps in your blogging?

I do not understand the compressions and rarefactions which appear in my blogging. Rediscovering the flare in it time and again seems to be the biggest blessing for me. There are times when I wrote with complete pace i.e. daily a post or may be more than one in a day.

This post is nothing but a root cause analysis of this behavior. I hope you will enjoy it.

Are the ideas getting scarce?

This is the first question which comes to my head but I do not agree to it because as the life keeps on rolling the new ideas and experiences keeps smashing you. The problem with ideas is their volatile nature they disappear before you can write them. In order to catch them before they fade one must write them into a handy notepad with some symbolic notations of the thoughts crossing your head.

Are you short of time?

I have seen many guys saying this with a strange proud in eyes, “I am a busy man. I am always short of time”.

The obvious expression which I gave wordlessly was, my dear friend is it this achievement or problem?

If it is your achievement then you must be proud of it you must keep it up and all the unnecessary extra curricular activities is not you cup of tea.

If it is your problem then you must do something to come out of it. In this universe there is solution to every single problem. Each one of us is in the same format of 24X7. Is there some problem with this format or the problem is lying with in us. Your attitude counts here.

It is always Now or Never.

I am a victim of the latter case and I am struggling hard to get organized. Giving shape to my various blogs is an endeavor to organize myself.

Mood: High


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