Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Get organized for better living

by | Feb 11, 2011 | Productivity

The way we organize our life is a reflection of our inner life. Whatever it is like outside, is inside. Our world is according to how we think; the way our study-table or bedroom is ordered shows us how our inner world is. If we want our relationships to improve and for there to be more stability and harmony in our external circumstances, first of all we must produce this stability and harmony in our inner selves, and from there everything else will fall into place.

In our daily routines our tendency is to increase randomness and when it reaches its saturation point we try decreasing it to the ordered state. When certain thresholds are crossed we find ourselves helpless. At such points the act of self empowerment for our own organization can be done with a very tricky skill of self observation. It strengthens the self. Just as a tortoise withdraws itself from the external environment after its work is done, we too need to find time for ourselves. In the middle of the activity of the day, we need to make time to look within and find the beauty that is hidden there.

When we do this as a practice it brings a positive experience that strengthens the self. We need to give ourselves a little time everyday at regular intervals. During this time, we need to look within and find our own uniqueness and we will find that we are able to have access to our positivity. This practice will help us during difficult times too and we will be able to use these qualities under all circumstances. So we will not be a victim to situations but will be able to perform the right actions, which are required at that time.

To understand and remember these qualities, we need to recognize the hidden deep resolves or personality traits “sanskars” which have blotted them out, or polluted them. Sometimes we don’t recognize the pollutants because they have ingrained themselves so deeply into the personality that we say ‘I am this’.

In fact our deep seated original ingredients resources are straightforward – peace, love, purity, knowledge and happiness, these are also known as five original qualities of the soul. When we return our consciousness to these five qualities and remember them, then the feeling of reorganization arises in us, which finally get reflected in our persona.

Kill your tension, before tension kills you, reach your goal before goal kicks you & live life before life leaves you.


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