intellipaper has come up with a greeting cards idea which people will love. A greeting card with a built-in removable USB drive. It looks like a standard greeting card to which you can add your own digital media files.
They are offering three exciting applications of this paper USB technology:
other than greeting cards they are also coming up with following:
Disposable USB Drives
These are called the sticky notes of the future. Write on these DataNotes, staple it to a document, hole-punch it, or hand it off to someone, without worrying about the cost. This 3×3 sized card is great for sharing
Blank USB Paper
You can cut it, fold it, color it, print it. You can make your own business cards? Wedding invitations? Recipe cards? Photo cards? Indulge your imagination. These are 3×5 blank cards. Comes with custom labels that can be used in printer.
Quite creative.. 🙂
Source: Indiegogo