Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Gripping Approaching Deadline

by | Oct 23, 2010 | Productivity

Meeting a deadline is just like entering into a wrestling bout, as it initiates the two wrestlers try to take hold on each other to judge opponents’ potential. Likewise while approaching a deadline we should not run away but take hold of the situation by fully comprehending it.

If you are running behind the schedule, do not lose the control! The nervousness of approaching deadline will make your mind blank & staring at the computer screen will just make things worse. I am sure this write up will help you out to prepare with a fallback plan.

If you are already a writer or you are aspiring to become one, you should write every single day. It integrates writing as part of your routine. However it is not easy to do so! You may not feel creative at the start of your writing session. Irrespective of what you are writing.

A stitch in time saves nine – the proactive approach is setting your war room. You must set up your desktop with some image which keeps you reminding your objective deadline. To attempt 50,000 words in a month you need the minimum throughput of 1,670 words per day. It’s challenging, but will definitely help you to establish the daily writing habit! Also please consider the preparation, outlining and proofreading as part of time you are going to devote for your writing. Though morning time is recommended but you may pick any time of your day when you’ll always write and it shall soon become a habit.

Is your mind going blank because you don’t have adequate material? If not, then stop, and just have some hot beverage and contemplate on the structure of your writing. This will help avoid the confusion that can happen when your mind starts to go blank. Avoid counting your words time and again, as it keeps you away from staying focused on your content.

In case you are stuck in a particular section suddenly you are flashed with an awesome conclusion? There is no need to write in order of appearance. It releases your unnecessary tension. If you are feeling discouraged, remind yourself of all the other writing you have done successfully, and all the other deadlines you have met and just the once you have done it, treat yourself for accomplishing it.

Gripping Approaching Deadline

If you are planning to participate in NaNoWriMo, download the image which you can set up in your desktop. You can order 19″ X 25″ poster here.

1 Comment

  1. Ron Ted

    Really nice post,thank you for inspiring me!


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