Have you ever wondered your productivity is highly dependent on you mood which is further influenced by the type of people you are surrounded with. I daily feel the impact of people in my life, who don’t believe in themselves. I have done a little effort to determine one Truth Table to determine effects of the type of company you do..
A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments. Such a table is composed of one column for each input variable, and one final column for all of the possible results of the logical operation that the table is meant to represent.
Human Algebra
In my Human Algebra class when two people with different mood shade meet with each other on each combination of their respective moods Is represented by a by a smiley face. Each row of the truth table therefore contains one possible configuration of the input variables, and the result of the operation for those values.
Ten ways negative people may vanish you
Case 1

When a person with a plain mood moves ahead to meet a slightly negative person, soon both of them become less productive and quite negative for any issue in their surrounding.
Case 2

When a slightly negative person looks forward for any input from a plain person, it leads to a state of indisposition.
Case 3

When two slightly negative person meet each other, soon both of them turn out to be mind twisters to each other.
Case 4

When a slightly negative person meets a more negative person, their anguish turn out as their anger.
Case 5

When a highly negative person meets slightly negative person, he can be easily pushed to the darkest depressions of his life.
Case 6

When two hard core negative person meet each other, soon both of them turn out fatal for each other.
Case 7

When an annoyed negative person meets simply negative person, they become unbearable to each other.
Case 8

When a negative person meets harassed negative person, negativity spreads like an epidemic.
Case 9

When two annoyed people meet, soon both of them turns lunatic.
Case 10

When two differently negative people meet the combo is lethal
In any case negativity is highly infectious and it will lead you no where. You can’t turn all of them positive you must get rid of them by getting rid of negative society.
The best way to end this post is a quote from David Icke, – “The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.”