Diwali is a great fesitivity time when Indian families go out of the way on purchasing new things. Companies have marketed their products in such a way that the consumer feels necessitated about it. This Diwali I thought of buying an LED TV for my bedroom. It was a total rollercoaster ride to analyse wich one I should go for. I was not only confused by the various brands but also with the number of options available with in the same brand falling in my budget range.
First of all its quite difficilt to make up your mind for a particular brand. Walk into any television store and just count the number of models available. It’s quite baffling, then, you have to figure out what each one does…and why it matters to you. No wonder it is often easier for us to check out, than to check all the options.
In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad and bizarre ideas are more successful than the conventional ones which has turned out to be boring.