Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Keeping your blog alive

by | Feb 27, 2009 | Writer's Attic

How many blogs do you have? The more you are indulged in different blogs, lesser the time you get for each one of them. After you devote lot of time in freezing the design and niche the content is the ever evolving biggest headache. Except the endeavor to keep your blog alive staying on a small page rank may disturb you as well.

As per Darren Rowse

Forget about when and if Page Rank will update and spend your time building a better blog!

Last year when I was enthralled by blogging and considered starting a blog, I scrutinized many professional bloggers who had been creating online content from the time when I even joined information technology, initially I found monetizing blogs as some unrealistic thing, but later gradually I realized it as a more effective tool of channelizing your passion and hard working which applies to any other stream as well.

In my more then a years blogging I found that one hidden factor which can accelerate your blogging is the kind of theme you are using. Your theme should be simple enough and inspiring such that it inspires you to write simple short posts rather then scare you to write hi tech articles.

Best social networking practice to grow your blog is commenting on other blogs. Comments are most sensitive part of any blog as they open discussion threads and you get brilliant ideas to write new posts. In other words they behave like the pulse of life line of your blog. The commenting should be decently done. When you leave a comment on someone’s blog, It is equally imperative to see if the blogger has responded to it or not.

P.S. Prior to the bloggers plugin to comment on the same page of post I was inclined towards wordpress due to its better commenting system now they have even added a check box to Notify via mail for following up the comments discussion thread.


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