When one of my blogs started reflecting No Google Page Rank information Available, I thought that it has dipped to zero or below. But at the same time I was able to see many blogs with zero ranks.
I investigated the difference between the two states. Long back in year 2007 Google used to show zero rank (i.e. 0/10) for the not-ranked ones, and now they’ve changed their method of representation.
Now not-ranked webpages produce N/A (not available) results, visually it is represented as a grey bar. This possibly means that the webpage either is not ranked yet.
Temporary Error
There was some temporary error and Google’s server could not return the current rank value, so the server said that “the rank was not available for displaying at that exact moment”.
In order to make sure your web site is not banned by Google, you can search Google for your site’s address. If the address is in the search results, this means the site is not banned and you can relax and not to pay any attention to the temporary bug with N/A Rank.
Supplemental Result is a URL residing in Google’s supplemental index, a secondary database containing websites of less importance, as measured primarily by Google’s Ranking algorithm.
Google used to place a “Supplemental Result” label at the bottom of a search result to indicate that it is in the supplemental index;
however in July 2007 they discontinued this practice and it is no longer possible to tell whether a result is in the supplemental index or the main one.
The importance of a website is measured by the number and quality of links pointing at it. The degree to which Google trusts a site’s inbound links also influences the importance of a webpage.
If Google detects paid links, for example, it will devalue the links or nullify them completely so that Rank will not pass to the target page.
A supplemental page will still rank in search results, but only if there are not enough pages in the main index that are returned within the search.
If your webpage is not very fresh then take cure of your internal links restructuring of your site should be properly done with unique content. The prime factor and recommended solutions to this problem is to have more quality back links.
The supplemental index is Google’s way of filtering out duplicate content that are similar or identical can lead to duplicate or near-duplicate content.
However, duplicate content is a side effect of supplemental results, not the cause. Instead, low Rank is the primary cause of supplemental results.
Links to multiple versions of the same URL dilutes its Rank across multiple URLs, thus increasing their chance of not reaching a minimum Ranking threshold.
If the Rank is too low, Google will drop it from its main index. Now this particular address will appear in search results as a supplemental result.
Practice to manipulate the incoming links can also damage your website rank flow into the domain, thus creating more supplemental pages. Manipulative links include excessive reciprocal linking, link injections, and paid links.
Questionable out links can also lead to link devaluation. Also a large site with a high page count is generally more vulnerable to the supplemental index than a small site .
Because inbound Ranks divided among several hundred thousand pages tend to be lower than that divided up among only a few dozen of them.