Sometimes, when we surrender to the unpredictability of life, we discover that there is more freedom in losing control than in holding on tight.
Have you ever experienced moments when everything around you slips beyond your control?
Such situations have happened to me a few times, and they made me question who I am.
I had an accident, which was one of the most intense situations.
I was in a car one moment and riding a motorcycle the next. I was unaware of what was going on in both situations.
The world seemed to have frozen, and all I could do was yell in terror as I struggled to overcome my sense of powerlessness.
Then there was the occasion when I hopped on the “Leap of Faith,” a high water slide. Everything was out of my control as I was in the air for the first time. I had lost my total control.
It seemed as if I was at the mercy of forces far greater than myself because of the pace, the descent, and the overpowering surge of water. Screaming and letting go was my only option.
When I went parasailing, I had a similar experience. After the parachute was raised into the air, I was flying above the sea.

Parasailing on Coral Island Pattaya
Perhaps I wouldn’t return. I was overcome with amazement and horror at that same moment. Feeling inconspicuous in the sky and water, I yelled and hated my lot in life.
However, as soon as it was over and I was on firm ground, everything appeared to be as it had been.
These experiences were frightening at first, and I frequently thought I was losing myself.
However, as I stayed with this thought, I realized something significant. I was not who I believed I was during those anxious and fearful times. I wasn’t the kind of cool-headed person who could reason things out.
I was at my best in those moments, responding to the outside world without attempting to influence or alter anything.
We try to control our fate for a large portion of our life. We desire to direct our lives, make choices, and mould our destinies.
However, it’s as though we uncover a more profound reality when everything seems out of our control.
We are not in charge as we believe. We are a part of life’s greater flow, and occasionally we have little control over what occurs.
In that instant, there was also a sense of freedom.
We may discover that the “real” ourselves is the one who experiences, feels, and exists in the now rather than the one who plans and controls when we give up trying to control the uncontrollable.
There is no need for control during those times when everything is lost in either delight or fear.
We are a part of something far greater. The ultimate purpose of our being is to completely experience life in all its wonder and unpredictability, rather than to control it.
All you could do was experience the intensity of the moment where you were helpless to act or even think.
Life has a peculiar way of revealing something profound about who we are and what it means to exist.
Therefore, the next time you feel like you’re losing control, try giving it a thought that you might be the closest to learning the truth about yourself during these exact moments.