Rohit’s Blog

Being in this world…

Back to School

I was reading somewhere that just as it has become a habit of thinking negative; a positive habit when created will naturally bring...

I love myself

To take a look back at events that already have taken place and reporting is a conscious mental and usually purposive process relying...

Power to Accept

This post is continued part of Perspective from Pain Where there is love, there is openness, where there is openness, there is space...


Today everyone’s rushing around, doing something, proving something, showing something. In that rush to be someone, we tend to forget...

Hello Friend

How many things you do during the day are dependent on how you imagine the other sees you, your spouse, your friend, your child, your...

Tree of Karma

Wisdom gives the understanding that life does not function haphazardly. It teaches that everything that happens in this theatre of...

The Promise

The person manifesting the intention is the promiser. The person to whom the manifestation is addressed is the promisee. If the...

Man of virtues

Human beings have original qualities that are values which define our human and spiritual nature. The original qualities of each...

Yahoo Style Guide

If your online content is not enjoyable and easy to understand, you should not wait for the any visitors. People read online text...

Amusing Commercial

I just viewed this commercial and found it so awesomr that I couldn't stop myself sharing it with you. This commercial was created by...

Building Beliefs

Most of us are blinded by our belief system because a false belief is not considered to be knowledge, even if it is sincere. Have you...

Just a minute

Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one’s oneself is ones friend and ones own self is ones enemy. Our life...

Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based solution so organizations don’t have to install anything and yet they have access to services...

Googles’ Failures

Google’s a company that’s not afraid to take risks and does seem to embrace the idea that along the way, there will be failures. Some...

The Last Post

Everything is perfectly fine here; I am still alive and kicking hard. More than a quarter is over I didn’t updated my exquisite blog....

I am alive

Do you relish being alive? So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each...

I think I can

A person was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a...

Common Sense Skill

Directors searched for their names on Google, they found the ad on the first result, clicked on it, and ended up in a page where the...

Change is Life

During a common observation from daily routine I found change as a tonic in my life. Change increases efficiency because if we remain...

Ten Word Wiki

In this speedy time, we don’t have time to read though a whole length of information, just to know about a single term. Isn't...

My writing isn’t limited to any particular genre or niche. I write about the small things that make life interesting, including the happy and sad moments we all experience, and the complexities of being human.

Rohit’s Blog

Being in this world…

Back to School

I was reading somewhere that just as it has become a habit of thinking negative; a positive habit when created will naturally bring...

I love myself

To take a look back at events that already have taken place and reporting is a conscious mental and usually purposive process relying...

Power to Accept

This post is continued part of Perspective from Pain Where there is love, there is openness, where there is openness, there is space...


Today everyone’s rushing around, doing something, proving something, showing something. In that rush to be someone, we tend to forget...

Hello Friend

How many things you do during the day are dependent on how you imagine the other sees you, your spouse, your friend, your child, your...

Tree of Karma

Wisdom gives the understanding that life does not function haphazardly. It teaches that everything that happens in this theatre of...

The Promise

The person manifesting the intention is the promiser. The person to whom the manifestation is addressed is the promisee. If the...

Man of virtues

Human beings have original qualities that are values which define our human and spiritual nature. The original qualities of each...

Yahoo Style Guide

If your online content is not enjoyable and easy to understand, you should not wait for the any visitors. People read online text...

Amusing Commercial

I just viewed this commercial and found it so awesomr that I couldn't stop myself sharing it with you. This commercial was created by...

Building Beliefs

Most of us are blinded by our belief system because a false belief is not considered to be knowledge, even if it is sincere. Have you...

Just a minute

Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one’s oneself is ones friend and ones own self is ones enemy. Our life...

Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based solution so organizations don’t have to install anything and yet they have access to services...

Googles’ Failures

Google’s a company that’s not afraid to take risks and does seem to embrace the idea that along the way, there will be failures. Some...

The Last Post

Everything is perfectly fine here; I am still alive and kicking hard. More than a quarter is over I didn’t updated my exquisite blog....

I am alive

Do you relish being alive? So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each...

I think I can

A person was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a...

Common Sense Skill

Directors searched for their names on Google, they found the ad on the first result, clicked on it, and ended up in a page where the...

Change is Life

During a common observation from daily routine I found change as a tonic in my life. Change increases efficiency because if we remain...

Ten Word Wiki

In this speedy time, we don’t have time to read though a whole length of information, just to know about a single term. Isn't...

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