Rohit’s Blog
Being in this world…
Wireless USB Adapter
This post is a part of the My Tools & Gadgets Blog Series.
Patience bring change
When someone disbelieves me I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point to the others but eventually not able to convince...
Beliefs – Destiny Deciders
A deep investigation into our inner selves will help us to change the image we have of ourselves. The solution to important problems...
Want to write a Novel?
Challenge & Confidence
Working with others with co-operation, who may at any moment challenge my ego with their own different agendas and needs, becomes...
Our original self
People affected by anger lose their temper and become excited at the slightest provocation. Yet, when the event is over they find...
Back to School
I was reading somewhere that just as it has become a habit of thinking negative; a positive habit when created will naturally bring...
I love myself
To take a look back at events that already have taken place and reporting is a conscious mental and usually purposive process relying...
Power to Accept
This post is continued part of Perspective from Pain Where there is love, there is openness, where there is openness, there is space...
Why calmness is required?
To become silent, to be still in the ocean of hectic, noisy action, is a choice many people are now making. When this is achieved,...
Perfect and Powerful
The universe is sustained by the mere presence of some super natural energy. According to the spiritual science, the supreme force...
Every moment is magical
Every moment is magical for those who can see it happening all around. When we have the eyes to see the magic of each day, we gain...
Watch yourself to attain Perfection
We have always been yearning for more time, virtues, powers, knowledge etc. Watch yourself when you get home tonight after a fatigued...
Selfless Help is Biggest Joy
There is nothing more refreshing, more inspiring, more wonderful than the joy of giving. Offering a hand to someone who needs it,...
Get organized for better living
The way we organize our life is a reflection of our inner life. Whatever it is like outside, is inside. Our world is according to how...
Protect your Creativity
There are infinitely many things to explore, however unfortunately we only have finite time and energy. Information processing in our...
Stress Managing Attitude
In the modern world it seems impossible to escape getting stressed. Generally to handle stress we take shortcuts. Rather than relying...
Today everyone’s rushing around, doing something, proving something, showing something. In that rush to be someone, we tend to forget...
Import Opportunities
You certainly might have met people who literally wander through life. They simply accept whatever fate brings them. A few may...
Hello Friend
How many things you do during the day are dependent on how you imagine the other sees you, your spouse, your friend, your child, your...
Tree of Karma
Wisdom gives the understanding that life does not function haphazardly. It teaches that everything that happens in this theatre of...
Slipping in Time
We observe in nature that everything new becomes old, nothing ever starts old and becomes new. All commodities including the human...
Voyager of Time
Ancient cultures have a concept of a wheel of time, that regards time as cyclical and quantic consisting of repeating ages that...
Past Present and Future
The cycle of cause and effect is working on such a vast scope that with the human intellect it is almost impossible to understand the...
Focus & Flow – Are You Hitting The Right Balance?
We spend most of your life running after things, undertaking things. We forget that being comes before doing. Those who remember this...
Power To Accommodate
Closely linked to the power of tolerance, the power to accommodate means having a heart so big and generous that I am able to rise...
Self Empowerment through SWOT
Create five to six questions which will help in your self progress. Looking at your strengths and weakness, judge how effectively you...
Meditation for Transforming Habits
As we all know, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” In case we are not making any progress in our lives for the root...
Choose your Habits
The fact that you can choose your habits may turn very useful information to us. Most habits invade our mind due to our carefree...
The Promise
The person manifesting the intention is the promiser. The person to whom the manifestation is addressed is the promisee. If the...
Man of virtues
Human beings have original qualities that are values which define our human and spiritual nature. The original qualities of each...
I can regulate my own life
In this blog post author shares few tested tips for shaping your environment to support a happier life.
Who is regulating your life?
When you resolute something with conviction it seems that you are trying to take control of your life and then when you break them...
What mask you are holding
From the moment we are born, we are subject to many negative and positive influences from our family, society, religion, education,...
Wisdom tooth brings insufficient wisdom
Wisdom tooth is generally thought to be indicators of wisdom in ones evolution because they appear much later than the other teeth,...
Will this matter
Check your Priorities Imagine you have to leave for an urgent official assignment in the early hour of tomorrow morning and this...
Fountain of Inspiration
Inspiration sorrounds you I am grateful of my surroundings which help me in dwelling inspiration most of the time. I feel blessed...
Happiness brings Courage
Courage has always been a concept generating interest in the field of psychology. It is the element which brings success and is a mix...
Become Useful and Effective
Your operating resources which includes your financial, technological, information or Human resource has to be optimally utilized....
To the Cloud – Windows 7
Nice thirty second duration video commercials from Windows seven depiciting power of cloud. Source: Windows Cloud
Google Docs Animation – Slam
Though Google Docs doesn't support animations yet this flipbook style animated movie has been created entirely in Google Docs which...
Spreading Happiness
Stories of timeless teachings, and practical wisdom for making every day the happiest day of our lives. Nithya Shanti vision is...
One day Veg Pledge
Why... Environmental Reasons Conservation of Fossil fuel. It takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of beef protein;...
Are you suffering with the disease to please everyone
My neighbor Vishnu is quite helpful and carefree person. Fairly couple of times I have seen him lending money not only to his known...
Ideas we discuss
Experience again 2010
Re-live top events and moments from 2010 from around the globe through search, images, and video. How the world searched Google - by...
Yahoo Style Guide
If your online content is not enjoyable and easy to understand, you should not wait for the any visitors. People read online text...
Meaning of Happiness
Amusing Commercial
I just viewed this commercial and found it so awesomr that I couldn't stop myself sharing it with you. This commercial was created by...
How good is Anger
Anger can be a good thing, it makes things move for you, it may give you a way to express negative feelings and it also acts as a...
Building Beliefs
Most of us are blinded by our belief system because a false belief is not considered to be knowledge, even if it is sincere. Have you...
Work Styles – East & West
Eastern and western school of thoughts, both the paradigms are human constructions. They are cultural creations, not natural...
Achievement Time Scale
Earning success is a matter of simply changing your life slightly in terms of your ways of thinking. Good things in life were not...
Time Management – Let Go
Time is your most precious resource today, because it is limited. The importance of time management has never been greater than it is...
Know Your Strength
How are our strengths being used to improve our worth at our workplace? Is any weakness of ours proving to be an obstacle in...
Experience Your Knowledge
By default we are spiritual beings and the one aspect of practical spirituality is the practice of values such as tolerance,...
Finally I own a Laptop
This little machine on my lap is not an ordinary thing for me. This wonderful machine is not only a processor but an alter ego for...
Live before you die
Are You Mentally Healthy?
Mental health is not merely the absence of psychological disease but also the balanced development of an individual's personality and...
What are we compiling?
Results were very exciting when recently we underwent a mock exercise where we were asked to explore our personal computer hard...
Optimizing full time bloggers well-being
Optimizing full time bloggers or part time bloggers well-being for great blogging performance is no rocket science, it is basically...
Just a minute
Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one’s oneself is ones friend and ones own self is ones enemy. Our life...
Shade Lamp
This post is a part of the My Tools & Gadgets Blog Series.
People are Good
Recently one of my good friends was sharing his experience of getting interviewed in front of a panel of judges for some good...
Gripping Approaching Deadline
Meeting a deadline is just like entering into a wrestling bout, as it initiates the two wrestlers try to take hold on each other to...
Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based solution so organizations don’t have to install anything and yet they have access to services...
Avoid Workplace Grapevine
Does your organization have issues? Have people told you things in confidence? Then keep those matters to yourself. Talking to others...
While working from home
Recently when I was chatting to one of my computer class mate I realised that she had left her job. It was slightly bizarre for her...
Family Spacecraft Mission
After eight months of practice and efforts Luke Geissbuhler from New York using weather balloon, a video camera, and an iPhone...
Don’t be serious, be sincere
Don't just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before...
Turn it off
Occupation and Passion
If you feel that there is a decline in your innovation or there is the lack of ideas and you feel drained. If people are not...
Right posture while using laptop
Being an addicted blogger you'll certainly access to your laptop particularly while travelling. During travel you encounter different...
Googles’ Failures
Google’s a company that’s not afraid to take risks and does seem to embrace the idea that along the way, there will be failures. Some...
The Last Post
Everything is perfectly fine here; I am still alive and kicking hard. More than a quarter is over I didn’t updated my exquisite blog....
Pillar Group
It was the day of Graduating Ceremony of Men's Pillar Group BSG Shimla at Himland Hotel.
Offline Social Media
A BSG discussion meet (Zadankai) of Sanjauli Block. Personally, I think these meet-ups are just fabulous. It's just not worshiping...
Warm Water & Thirst
Planning for an outing or while sitting in office it is very tempting to plan for some junk food with chilled beer or any other...
Do you love Gossiping?
If you really love gossiping this can be a alarming post for you. Someone said it well: "Small people talk about other people,...
I am alive
Do you relish being alive? So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each...
I think I can
A person was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a...
Switched to WP
Today we switched from Blogspot to Wordpress platform.
At Haldirams
When the spice is right, the friendship is tight
Einstein’s Brownian Movements Hypothesis Challenged
The movement of small particles in a fluid as they collide with the fluid's molecules are known as Brownian Movemnets. Microscopic...
Common Sense Skill
Directors searched for their names on Google, they found the ad on the first result, clicked on it, and ended up in a page where the...
Explore Google Places
To keep track of how your business listing is performing, Google offer a personalized dashboard within Google Places that includes...
Google Logo Outta 884 Pictures
Google is known as the most attractive employer. Life is like a life college for Google employees in the Mountain View campus,...
Extracurricular Activities are Awesome
Each one of us posses one or more talents but all of us may not realize this. From the routine grind of our life if we can afford to...
Single Point of Access: Google Dashboard
Google's presence is now going to be more than a decade. Now it has become the principal axis of the user experience on the web....
Compelling Content that Ranks
There is no doubt that compelling content drives the Internet, and you cannot optimize something that's dead so obviously the content...
What Rules the web?
People would rather give up their e-mail than their social network. Brand Managers now share critical digital territory with and...
Text Mesaging to call Himachal Police
There are times when you need police asistance but you are in such an awkward situation that you can't afford to talk to police by...
E-Learning Trends watch out for in 2018
What is E-Learning A learning system based on formal education but with the help of electronic resources, is known as e-learning....
Change is Life
During a common observation from daily routine I found change as a tonic in my life. Change increases efficiency because if we remain...
Windows 7 – My Idea
Ten Word Wiki
In this speedy time, we don’t have time to read though a whole length of information, just to know about a single term. Isn't...
Are all Math teachers boring?
I remember my entire Math’s teacher as biggest bores. It’s really uncommon to find particularly Maths teachers who have a good sense...
WordPress strikes with 3.0 Beta
In June 2008 WP released its 2.8 version Now the first beta of WordPress 3.0 has been released. Jane Wells, from Automattic, laid out...
Reality Mouse in Gloves
Glove Mouse is the brainchild of Tony & Nevada, they upgraded it with wireless capability so that user won't need to remain...
Aa Chal Kay Tujhe
O sweet blossoms of my life this one is for you on your first b'day... Mood: Musical
My writing isn’t limited to any particular genre or niche. I write about the small things that make life interesting, including the happy and sad moments we all experience, and the complexities of being human.
Rohit’s Blog
Being in this world…
Wireless USB Adapter
This post is a part of the My Tools & Gadgets Blog Series.
Patience bring change
When someone disbelieves me I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point to the others but eventually not able to convince...
Beliefs – Destiny Deciders
A deep investigation into our inner selves will help us to change the image we have of ourselves. The solution to important problems...
Want to write a Novel?
Challenge & Confidence
Working with others with co-operation, who may at any moment challenge my ego with their own different agendas and needs, becomes...
Our original self
People affected by anger lose their temper and become excited at the slightest provocation. Yet, when the event is over they find...
Back to School
I was reading somewhere that just as it has become a habit of thinking negative; a positive habit when created will naturally bring...
I love myself
To take a look back at events that already have taken place and reporting is a conscious mental and usually purposive process relying...
Power to Accept
This post is continued part of Perspective from Pain Where there is love, there is openness, where there is openness, there is space...
Why calmness is required?
To become silent, to be still in the ocean of hectic, noisy action, is a choice many people are now making. When this is achieved,...
Perfect and Powerful
The universe is sustained by the mere presence of some super natural energy. According to the spiritual science, the supreme force...
Every moment is magical
Every moment is magical for those who can see it happening all around. When we have the eyes to see the magic of each day, we gain...
Watch yourself to attain Perfection
We have always been yearning for more time, virtues, powers, knowledge etc. Watch yourself when you get home tonight after a fatigued...
Selfless Help is Biggest Joy
There is nothing more refreshing, more inspiring, more wonderful than the joy of giving. Offering a hand to someone who needs it,...
Get organized for better living
The way we organize our life is a reflection of our inner life. Whatever it is like outside, is inside. Our world is according to how...
Protect your Creativity
There are infinitely many things to explore, however unfortunately we only have finite time and energy. Information processing in our...
Stress Managing Attitude
In the modern world it seems impossible to escape getting stressed. Generally to handle stress we take shortcuts. Rather than relying...
Today everyone’s rushing around, doing something, proving something, showing something. In that rush to be someone, we tend to forget...
Import Opportunities
You certainly might have met people who literally wander through life. They simply accept whatever fate brings them. A few may...
Hello Friend
How many things you do during the day are dependent on how you imagine the other sees you, your spouse, your friend, your child, your...
Tree of Karma
Wisdom gives the understanding that life does not function haphazardly. It teaches that everything that happens in this theatre of...
Slipping in Time
We observe in nature that everything new becomes old, nothing ever starts old and becomes new. All commodities including the human...
Voyager of Time
Ancient cultures have a concept of a wheel of time, that regards time as cyclical and quantic consisting of repeating ages that...
Past Present and Future
The cycle of cause and effect is working on such a vast scope that with the human intellect it is almost impossible to understand the...
Focus & Flow – Are You Hitting The Right Balance?
We spend most of your life running after things, undertaking things. We forget that being comes before doing. Those who remember this...
Power To Accommodate
Closely linked to the power of tolerance, the power to accommodate means having a heart so big and generous that I am able to rise...
Self Empowerment through SWOT
Create five to six questions which will help in your self progress. Looking at your strengths and weakness, judge how effectively you...
Meditation for Transforming Habits
As we all know, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” In case we are not making any progress in our lives for the root...
Choose your Habits
The fact that you can choose your habits may turn very useful information to us. Most habits invade our mind due to our carefree...
The Promise
The person manifesting the intention is the promiser. The person to whom the manifestation is addressed is the promisee. If the...
Man of virtues
Human beings have original qualities that are values which define our human and spiritual nature. The original qualities of each...
I can regulate my own life
In this blog post author shares few tested tips for shaping your environment to support a happier life.
Who is regulating your life?
When you resolute something with conviction it seems that you are trying to take control of your life and then when you break them...
What mask you are holding
From the moment we are born, we are subject to many negative and positive influences from our family, society, religion, education,...
Wisdom tooth brings insufficient wisdom
Wisdom tooth is generally thought to be indicators of wisdom in ones evolution because they appear much later than the other teeth,...
Will this matter
Check your Priorities Imagine you have to leave for an urgent official assignment in the early hour of tomorrow morning and this...
Fountain of Inspiration
Inspiration sorrounds you I am grateful of my surroundings which help me in dwelling inspiration most of the time. I feel blessed...
Happiness brings Courage
Courage has always been a concept generating interest in the field of psychology. It is the element which brings success and is a mix...
Become Useful and Effective
Your operating resources which includes your financial, technological, information or Human resource has to be optimally utilized....
To the Cloud – Windows 7
Nice thirty second duration video commercials from Windows seven depiciting power of cloud. Source: Windows Cloud
Google Docs Animation – Slam
Though Google Docs doesn't support animations yet this flipbook style animated movie has been created entirely in Google Docs which...
Spreading Happiness
Stories of timeless teachings, and practical wisdom for making every day the happiest day of our lives. Nithya Shanti vision is...
One day Veg Pledge
Why... Environmental Reasons Conservation of Fossil fuel. It takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of beef protein;...
Are you suffering with the disease to please everyone
My neighbor Vishnu is quite helpful and carefree person. Fairly couple of times I have seen him lending money not only to his known...
Ideas we discuss
Experience again 2010
Re-live top events and moments from 2010 from around the globe through search, images, and video. How the world searched Google - by...
Yahoo Style Guide
If your online content is not enjoyable and easy to understand, you should not wait for the any visitors. People read online text...
Meaning of Happiness
Amusing Commercial
I just viewed this commercial and found it so awesomr that I couldn't stop myself sharing it with you. This commercial was created by...
How good is Anger
Anger can be a good thing, it makes things move for you, it may give you a way to express negative feelings and it also acts as a...
Building Beliefs
Most of us are blinded by our belief system because a false belief is not considered to be knowledge, even if it is sincere. Have you...
Work Styles – East & West
Eastern and western school of thoughts, both the paradigms are human constructions. They are cultural creations, not natural...
Achievement Time Scale
Earning success is a matter of simply changing your life slightly in terms of your ways of thinking. Good things in life were not...
Time Management – Let Go
Time is your most precious resource today, because it is limited. The importance of time management has never been greater than it is...
Know Your Strength
How are our strengths being used to improve our worth at our workplace? Is any weakness of ours proving to be an obstacle in...
Experience Your Knowledge
By default we are spiritual beings and the one aspect of practical spirituality is the practice of values such as tolerance,...
Finally I own a Laptop
This little machine on my lap is not an ordinary thing for me. This wonderful machine is not only a processor but an alter ego for...
Live before you die
Are You Mentally Healthy?
Mental health is not merely the absence of psychological disease but also the balanced development of an individual's personality and...
What are we compiling?
Results were very exciting when recently we underwent a mock exercise where we were asked to explore our personal computer hard...
Optimizing full time bloggers well-being
Optimizing full time bloggers or part time bloggers well-being for great blogging performance is no rocket science, it is basically...
Just a minute
Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one’s oneself is ones friend and ones own self is ones enemy. Our life...
Shade Lamp
This post is a part of the My Tools & Gadgets Blog Series.
People are Good
Recently one of my good friends was sharing his experience of getting interviewed in front of a panel of judges for some good...
Gripping Approaching Deadline
Meeting a deadline is just like entering into a wrestling bout, as it initiates the two wrestlers try to take hold on each other to...
Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based solution so organizations don’t have to install anything and yet they have access to services...
Avoid Workplace Grapevine
Does your organization have issues? Have people told you things in confidence? Then keep those matters to yourself. Talking to others...
While working from home
Recently when I was chatting to one of my computer class mate I realised that she had left her job. It was slightly bizarre for her...
Family Spacecraft Mission
After eight months of practice and efforts Luke Geissbuhler from New York using weather balloon, a video camera, and an iPhone...
Don’t be serious, be sincere
Don't just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before...
Turn it off
Occupation and Passion
If you feel that there is a decline in your innovation or there is the lack of ideas and you feel drained. If people are not...
Right posture while using laptop
Being an addicted blogger you'll certainly access to your laptop particularly while travelling. During travel you encounter different...
Googles’ Failures
Google’s a company that’s not afraid to take risks and does seem to embrace the idea that along the way, there will be failures. Some...
The Last Post
Everything is perfectly fine here; I am still alive and kicking hard. More than a quarter is over I didn’t updated my exquisite blog....
Pillar Group
It was the day of Graduating Ceremony of Men's Pillar Group BSG Shimla at Himland Hotel.
Offline Social Media
A BSG discussion meet (Zadankai) of Sanjauli Block. Personally, I think these meet-ups are just fabulous. It's just not worshiping...
Warm Water & Thirst
Planning for an outing or while sitting in office it is very tempting to plan for some junk food with chilled beer or any other...
Do you love Gossiping?
If you really love gossiping this can be a alarming post for you. Someone said it well: "Small people talk about other people,...
I am alive
Do you relish being alive? So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each...
I think I can
A person was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a...
Switched to WP
Today we switched from Blogspot to Wordpress platform.
At Haldirams
When the spice is right, the friendship is tight
Einstein’s Brownian Movements Hypothesis Challenged
The movement of small particles in a fluid as they collide with the fluid's molecules are known as Brownian Movemnets. Microscopic...
Common Sense Skill
Directors searched for their names on Google, they found the ad on the first result, clicked on it, and ended up in a page where the...
Explore Google Places
To keep track of how your business listing is performing, Google offer a personalized dashboard within Google Places that includes...
Google Logo Outta 884 Pictures
Google is known as the most attractive employer. Life is like a life college for Google employees in the Mountain View campus,...
Extracurricular Activities are Awesome
Each one of us posses one or more talents but all of us may not realize this. From the routine grind of our life if we can afford to...
Single Point of Access: Google Dashboard
Google's presence is now going to be more than a decade. Now it has become the principal axis of the user experience on the web....
Compelling Content that Ranks
There is no doubt that compelling content drives the Internet, and you cannot optimize something that's dead so obviously the content...
What Rules the web?
People would rather give up their e-mail than their social network. Brand Managers now share critical digital territory with and...
Text Mesaging to call Himachal Police
There are times when you need police asistance but you are in such an awkward situation that you can't afford to talk to police by...
E-Learning Trends watch out for in 2018
What is E-Learning A learning system based on formal education but with the help of electronic resources, is known as e-learning....
Change is Life
During a common observation from daily routine I found change as a tonic in my life. Change increases efficiency because if we remain...
Windows 7 – My Idea
Ten Word Wiki
In this speedy time, we don’t have time to read though a whole length of information, just to know about a single term. Isn't...
Are all Math teachers boring?
I remember my entire Math’s teacher as biggest bores. It’s really uncommon to find particularly Maths teachers who have a good sense...
WordPress strikes with 3.0 Beta
In June 2008 WP released its 2.8 version Now the first beta of WordPress 3.0 has been released. Jane Wells, from Automattic, laid out...
Reality Mouse in Gloves
Glove Mouse is the brainchild of Tony & Nevada, they upgraded it with wireless capability so that user won't need to remain...
Aa Chal Kay Tujhe
O sweet blossoms of my life this one is for you on your first b'day... Mood: Musical