The universe is sustained by the mere presence of some super natural energy. According to the spiritual science, the supreme force that is used in the running of the universe is the divine consciousness.
With respect to a person, this is individual consciousness and it is that part of big reservoir which is mandatory for the life functions of a living beings. Recently I explored interesting spiritual analogy to the way the physical sciences differentiate energy and power.
In physical terms, energy is defined as the capacity of doing work and Power is defined as the rate of doing work.
In the similar fashion, we can look upon spiritual energy as our capacity for experiencing the original qualities of the soul. We all have this capacity, but to different degrees. Spiritual power can be identified as the extent to which we put these qualities to work in difficult situations and in our relationships.
It is important to remember that we ourselves are energy. Now let us apply this concept of power and energy to our own lives. It clearly applies that the impact of instantaneous focus of vigor is power. Every single phenomenon requires more or less vigor. A not only voluntary and involuntary action requires energy but also subtle force is required by our consciousness and sub-consciousness to record the life, activities. Temperaments, Desires, Interpretations, Intellect and Ego also requires good amount of vigor to be in operation. Broadly our consciousness is of two types and, depending on its state of activity, it takes on two ways.
Active consciousness which is about 70% of total is also known as vital force. This sustains and gives force to the physical body, mind, intellect and subtle ego. It is distributed through subtle channels which are prevalent throughout the body and supply energy to the cells, nerves, arteries, lymph etc. The remaining 30% constitutes passive consciousness which lies dormant in a person until explored. This subtle system is not visible with our eyes. Only people with active sixth sense can perceive it. Also it is not the nervous system. We do not use most of our power because we waste most of our energy.
The spiritual power helps us remain in a state of truth, in the face of the various tests that come. Also, our actions and relationships give us an opportunity to utilize the power we have accumulated. The body functions through various systems like the circulatory, respiratory, digestive systems. Similarly there is a system to provide energy to the physical as well as subtle body. Just as the heart is the principle centre for the circulatory system and the brain of the nervous system, similarly the subtle energy system has a center in our soul. We can be enormously powerful unless we know to channelize our energy. Observe your mind and you will find that there is a serious leakage of vital energy.
You can use your life in a very useful and intelligent way. You can very well transform that negative energy into a positive energy that empowers you and makes life meaningful.- Thich Nhat Hanh
Yes! “As on earth, so in heaven” (“as below, so above”). So well expressed. Thanks! Mary
Hey Mary, Nice to see you here again after ages, Welcome Back!
Feeling recharged!
Really Powerful, the energy description is amazingly wonderful!
Thank You..
Thank you for yours kind words of appreciation. It works as a tonic for this blog.