There is nothing more refreshing, more inspiring, more wonderful than the joy of giving. Offering a hand to someone who needs it, giving away the things we don’t use to those who don’t have much, and just sending a note of thought to a distant friend or relative. Giving is just a part of who we are…
Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process. – Jim Rohn
A gift does not necessarily mean that it should involve heavy costs. Also to do so, we need not be heroic. There is no need to travel to some distant land or search out the less fortunate. All we need do is awaken, to become aware of those around us. There are many more gifts that we can give, time, recognition, acceptance, love or simply a compassionate smile. Every encounter is an opportunity to give. Our siblings, spouse, children, friends, relatives, co-workers, boss, customers, and all those we meet will gratefully accept our gifts.
Where there is expectation there is always the possibility of disappointment thus creating a negative atmosphere, but where there is an attitude of giving benefit there can never be disappointment. When the soul has the power to maintain its chosen positive experience in the mind, it generates a powerful, pure atmosphere.
We usually do what so ever we want the way we like. We generally think of our own happiness, ignoring how this act would affect others. To be cooperative to someone who is being good to you, and to get the cooperation of “good” people is easy. But not always do we get people’s cooperation consistently. When we don’t, it affects the task and our own state of mind negatively. True contentment brings contentment to others as much to the self
Giving is becoming cooperative and to be cooperative our actions need to be such that they do not cause sorrow to anyone. So we need to check our actions and change them. When we do something in the right way our actions are connected with the truth and others will be contented as much as we are.
Cooperation comes from a vision of hope and faith in each and every individual we come into contact with. When we have this vision, we are able to give cooperation in the right way to people. And we are also able to get their cooperation at all times for all tasks, for we will be able to inspire the best in them. We can influence the entire world in a positive way by creating a positive environment. Soon one can experience that cooperation brings easy success in every task.
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give. – Eleanor Roosevelt