Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…


by | Feb 5, 2011 | Productivity

Today everyone’s rushing around, doing something, proving something, showing something. In that rush to be someone, we tend to forget the great power and miracle found in stillness.

Though silence is also considered as a sign of danger, we find distressing being in full silence for a prolonged time, that’s why we whistle, hum, talk to themselves, have TV and radio on sometimes without watching or listening to them. The “inner silence” we are going to discuss today is not about the absence of sound; instead, it is understood to bring one in contact with the divine, the ultimate reality, or one’s own true self, one’s divine nature.

I didn’t found a single person who has told me that he hates silence and loves noise. If we all yearn for silence, why is there so little of it in our world today? And if so many people dislike noise, why is there so much of it.

Silence grows within us, helping us to progress and develop in a very subtle way, just like a seed: the flower is hidden in the seed; the seed is hidden in the earth. Sunlight touches the earth that warms the seed and the flower begins to grow. Like a seed, we are also full of a great deal of potential. It is not really knowledge, or discussion that will truly develop that potential. They help, of course, but it is the light of silence that penetrates very deeply and awakens the potential within, inspiring it to burst and to blossom into a flower.

Silence is also a space that gives the mind an opportunity for allowing the creation of new, filling life with power and strength. A silent mind, freed from the attack of thoughts, is both a goal and an important step in spiritual development. Exercises of silence help you concentrate your mind and intellect, and go within yourself to recover the positive and eternal energies. Almost every religious tradition imply the importance of being quiet and still in mind and spirit for transformative and integral spiritual growth to occur.

I regret often that I have spoken; never that I have been silent. -Syrus


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