We observe in nature that everything new becomes old, nothing ever starts old and becomes new. All commodities including the human body, philosophies and religious movements.
When we translate this principle and process to the world as a whole, we can more easily understand why we live in an ‘old world’: overused, tired and where many areas are simply worn out. This process is sometimes known as entropy.
Law of Time is a universal and principle which states that time is the universal factor of synchronization. It affirms that all of the planetary upheavals and social chaos that we are experiencing today are directly related to giving precedence to human laws and technology, rather than divine order and natural law.
This post is in continuation to the earlier post Voyager of Time
Second law of time
The Law of Entropy describes the movement from order to disorder or chaos, where energy in a closed system reduces when it is not renewed or re-energized from a source outside that system. In the context of our physical planet, the sun sustains and re-energizes the systems of nature every day, and so the Earth is sustained. Only in the past century has our exploitation of the natural world started to become faster than the world’s capacity for renewal or re-energization. We now use the trapped energy in our physical world much faster than the sun can replace it through the earth’s biological systems.
When the Law of Entropy is translated into spiritual energy and our values and attitudes, we can perhaps begin to see why, as individuals, we feel worn out, tired and old in values, even while we may still be relatively young in physical age. We can also understand why negative attitudes easily prevail over positive. In fact, the entropy of our values has followed the same pattern as the entropy of our world environment i.e. the spiritual energy or the energy of the values of the world has been reducing as the world has become older and older because it has not been renewed or re-energized from a source outside that system.
When we accept this movement from new to old, it reveals a very different understanding of the events we have been taught to call history. As we look back down the ages, we find there have been deep philosophical insights, major scientific discoveries; thousands of practical inventions and the development of global communication have all contributed to the rise of the illusion of progress. While we may be enjoying tremendous technological progress, it seems clear that we are not enjoying the development of healthier, more loving and harmonious relationships with ourselves, each other or the planet – and yet this is in accordance with the law of new to old. It is the decay in our values which has largely contributed to our exploitation, pollution and general disrespect for the natural world.
At the present moment, the source from outside the world system on a spiritual level which is required to re-energize it and restore it to its original new stage is the Supreme Soul or God or the Spiritual Sun, who is an ocean of spiritual energy and divine values or virtues. In meditation we, as part of the world system, can absorb this energy or divinity from the source and contribute to this process.