Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Successful bloggers’ ABC

by | Sep 1, 2011 | Writer's Attic

Like every day I am here! This is the first day of new month so I felt like sharing my emotions for blogging. Creating this blog and writing on it has been one of the most wonderful things in my life. It has not given me money or fame up till now. It has given me something more than this, despite of value addition it has helped me attaining immense happiness and a job I love doing.

I have enlisted few tips I have learned so far and I have termed them Successful bloggers’ ABC

‘A’ is Attitude:

For me more important is to have an opinion and after having it if you are being able to share it, is enough to include you in bloggers tribe. In the current scenario more and more people are turning to blogs in order to be informed, inspired or entertained. So there is a lot of opportunity out there. On internet it seems that there is lot of struggle, the great thing about internet is you can learn a lot from the success of others and I think it is highly infectious. It creates a win-win scenario for one and all. Always be grateful of your readers and the fellow bloggers.

‘B’ is Belief:

You have got the most powerful medium to share with the world. You have to believe that one day you are going to be successful and it is just inevitable. People who have achieved great success are not necessarily more skillful or intelligent than others. It’s an attitude. It’s a state of mind. and I am quite sure it’s prettily available in me. My quest remains, what will I contribute to make my blog successful that its destined to be, today?

‘C’ is Compassion:

Do you feel compassionate about something which you’re so eager to share with the world about it, if yes then decide how often you will write and stick to it so that you can develop trust with your readers. Now you’ve to stay true to yourself and to the anxious need to share what you know that started your blog. I haven‘t focused on producing top-notch content rather I have always tried to challenge myself by continuing to produce content that my readers find useful. Now each day should be spent writing great posts!

Stay tuned 😉


  1. RP

    Good one, I like the post.

  2. Himani



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