Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

TED-Ed pairs educators with animators

by | Mar 14, 2012 | Critique

TED-Ed’s mission is to capture and amplify the voices of great educators around the world, by pairing extraordinary educators with talented animators to produce a new library of curiosity-igniting videos.

Now you can nominate a teacher, nominate an animator or suggest a lesson here..


For those who can’t wait that long, we’re pleased to announce the official launch of TED-Ed’s YouTube channel featuring all of our new videos. Also, we are happy to extend an open invitation for the nomination of educators and animators and the suggestion of lesson ideas.

Following are the titles of some of the series which this channel has started, Questions no one knows the answers to, How many universes are there, Why can’t we see evidence of alien life, How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries, Deep ocean mysteries and wonders, The power of simple words, Evolution in a big city, Following are some of the videos which I liked most.

By dissecting a cockroach, live on the stage TED Fellow and neuroscientist Greg Gage shows how brains receive and deliver electric impulses — and how legs can respond.

Adam Savage walks through two spectacular examples of profound scientific discoveries that came from simple, creative methods anyone could have followed — Eratosthenes’ calculation of the Earth’s circumference around 200 BC and Hippolyte Fizeau’s measurement of the speed of light in 1849.

In the first of a new TED-Ed series designed to catalyze curiosity, TED Curator Chris Anderson shares his boyhood obsession with quirky questions that seem to have no answers.

Different species often depend on one another. David Gonzales describes the remarkable relationship of the Clark’s nutcracker and the whitebark pine, to illustrate the interdependency known as symbiosis.


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