In this speedy time, we don’t have time to read though a whole length of information, just to know about a single term.
Isn’t wikipedia marvellous? Bit long winded though isn’t it? Some of those pages are hundreds, nay! Thousands of words long. You know what would make it better? If it was shorter, a lot shorter Say just the ten words per entry.
Though there is also available Simple English Wikipedia which is a version of the Wikipedia encyclopedia, written in Simple English. Articles in the Simple English Wikipedia use fewer words and easier grammar than the main Wikipedia. It is for people such as students, children, adults with learning difficulties and people who are trying to learn English. It uses the Simple English Wikipedia because the simple language helps them understand unfamiliar topics or complex ideas.
If you are not doing a research though Wikipedia, can be a torture to us. When there is overflow of information most of us are unable to concentrate on any lengthy information. In such scenario we need some handy tool and Thanks to the creators of TenWordWiki for creating such a wonderful utility.
Ten Word Wiki is a new and satirical encyclopedia, which is created for people who does not require research paers information on any topic.
Every entry on this Wiki is described in exactly 10 words. Simply put, the information for any term on TenWordWiki, is a collection of entertaining one liners.
Simple, clever and appropriate this Wiki website is obviously not as vast as Wikipedia but it still has plenty of pages to keep you informative & entertained. This Wiki describes itself on the homepage as:
Knowledge but bite sized, often surreal with lots of jokes” and “Ten Word Wiki is an Encyclopedia for the ADD generation.” where ADD stands for “Attention Deficit Disorder”.
Here are some “ten word” funny one liner explanations that we found appealing:
- Computers: Helpful machines that cause devolution of humanity and ultimate dystopia.
- Laptop: Device for surfing porn in the comfort of your shed.
- Mobile Phone: Once for calls and texts. Now music spewing spirit level.
- Internet: A series of tubes filled with porn and kitten pictures.
- Techno: Oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce!
- Techno /Talk: This one made me laugh out loud enough to scare my cat.
- Netizens: People who use the Internet and enjoy self-applied buzzwords.
- Blogger: One who writes a blog. Occasionally leads to Internet
celebrity. - Blog: Concatenation of web and log. Written and read by netizens.
- Wikipedia : A wiki project like Ten Word Wiki, but more verbose.
- Social Network Service: Place to meet hundreds of virtual friends, no real friends.
- Facebook: Website where children give out personal details, a paedophiles dream.
- Microsoft: Rich nerds crash your computer with their buggy operating system.
- Yahoo: 1990’s website we used for search before we discovered Google.
- Youtube: Google Owned video sharing website. Home of a thousand Cats.
- WP: Popular Free Open Source publishing platform.
- Bill Gates: Opportunistic antichrist turned philanthropist responsible for retardation of computer evolution.