I often meet people, who were dejected because they had something they loved to do, but did not do it because of one or other limitations. The best part is 75% of these limitations are self imposed. Rest of the guys have failed to discover they were passionate about.
Mediocrity is no excuse
Be it stress, time or money limitations, or whatever other excuses they had to avoid being creative. This caused them to feel the pressure from inside themselves even more, the urge to be passionate, to find joy was there but they didn’t take the time to discover it and explore it. The good news is everybody can get into the habit of being in touch with their creative inner beings.
Where are you on your creative journey?
Take the time to reflect on your own work and goals and share your brilliance. It is at these times that we need to begin to formulate goals. To see a bigger or greater project based on our daily creative routines. It is vital and important to create each day. Now becomes the time to shift the mind-set. The glitch one needs to comprehend is be cautious of being fooled around between what may be called Passive versus Active creative work. The enjoyment of creating each day as part of your routine is necessary. Creating with a goal supports your need to actively participate in your life’s purpose.
You may believe it or not
The people we share, network or do anything together plays a crucial impact on us. Indulging with people who can never help you develop in growing your creativity will further drain you out. A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by associating with smarter people.
Our association with already successful people who are wise enough to help us out in order to nourish our creative corner may turn the biggest secret for our creative success. People who can brainstorm our creativity are the immediate resources to introduce the creative being inside us.
Look around the place where you spend the most time. What do you see? Do you see all objects like furniture, lamp, gadgets, Most of the time we see these things. Now unhurriedly again look around your living area do you see some aesthetics, decorations, designs, patterns, light shades? If you don’t then it’s time to get busy creating an inspiring area for you to be creative in.
There’s a way to do it better — Go and find it!