Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Welcome 2010! Video Message

by | Jan 2, 2010 | Amusing

Hello, This is Rohit Sharma I wish you all a very happy, prosperous and techno new year 2010. I thank you all for likiing our Blog. I take this opportunity to directly interact with you and share my ideas with you. This video is an outcome of Darren’s Tip which says that if you want your ideas to really implement then share them.

rHour is a result of my Hobby Blogging, currently my schedule is occupied by four jobs, primarily my main job which is Project Manager – Web, and my most of the time is consumed in doing doing baby sitting to my three daughters and third is little in studying and upgrading myself and what so ever time is left out I devote it in hobby blogging.

My hobby as a blogger started in year 2007. Now in year 2010 I am looking forward to gain an edge in this particular domain. As I Have become quite passionate about blogging. In this fast evolving technology, blogosphere is changing quite fast. Now a days web has become crowded by personal publishing of people. However only fittest is going to survive. I am a strong believer of saying that, “To be successful you need to be willing to work harder”. As they say harder you practice, luckier you become. Once again I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

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