Most of the internet users might be knowing about RSS. I am posting it because I learned it quite lately. If you regularly visit a particular website and really cares for the content and do not want to miss the updates. Then you can get the summery of your favourite website with the help of a Web Feed or commonly known as RSS Feed.
RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ or ‘Rich Site Summery’. It is a format for delivering regularly changing web content.

The icon shown is the logo of RSS. The web feeds solve this problem by allowing you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in.
It benefits both publishers and readers by letting them syndicate content quickly and automatically.
Save Time
You not only save time by not needing to visit each site individually these web feeds have some more added advantages compared to receiving frequently published content via email, while subscribing to a feed.
Users do not disclose their email address, so users are not increasing their exposure to threats associated with email: spam, viruses, phishing, and identity theft. If at any point of time users want to stop receiving news.
Unsubscribe Request
They do not have to send an “unsubscribe” request; users can simply remove the feed from their aggregator, also the feed items are automatically “sorted” in the sense that each feed URL has its own sets of entries.
Many news-related sites, web blogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.
Web Feed Formats
It is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works like news headlines, blog posts, audio-visuals in a standardized format.
A short explanation from Common Craft of RSS and how it helps you save time reading the web.