Results were very exciting when recently we underwent a mock exercise where we were asked to explore our personal computer hard drives and enlist all available data with us. Along with documents each hard drives carried major portion on following – amusement programs, games, eBooks on varied topics, movies carrying different flares, family pictures, seasons of television soaps, lustful imagery, all kinds of music, spiritual discourses, and marketing motivation materials.
As all of us had voluntarily agreed to this exercise so were quite truthful, the embedded idea behind was not to lowdown someone rather making aware what they were compiling under their hobbies. Our brain also behaves like a computer hard drive and we keep on compiling variety of information on it.
What we are adding to our lives and why we are doing so? Is the information which we are adding to our life carrying some value or is simply useless? The information which surrounds us create our persona. Attention-grabbing fact is the word yoga which itself means “union”: of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga unites us with purity of universe. Today’s scientific investigations are rapidly changing the way we view ourselves and the world now we already know that matter and energy are essentially one; every existing substance can be reduced to a pattern or form of energy, which interacts and interconnects with other forms. Thus modern science is confirming the ancient principles of Yoga, which proclaim that unity pervades the universe.
In a very recent study researchers revealed that positive psychological changes that occur during meditation training are associated with greater activity of telomerase, an enzyme important for the long-term health of cells in the body. Most of us are accustomed to looking outside of ourselves for fulfilment. We are living in a world that conditions us to believe that outer attainments can give us what we want. Yet again and again our experiences show us that nothing external can completely fulfil the deep longing within for “something more.”
Most of the time, however, we find ourselves striving toward that which always seems to lie just beyond our reach. We are caught up in doing rather than being, in action rather than awareness. It is hard for us to picture a state of complete calmness and repose in which thoughts and feelings cease to dance in perpetual motion. Yet it is through such a state of quietude that we can touch a level of joy and understanding impossible to achieve otherwise. The scriptures say: “Be still, and know that I am God.” In these few words lies the key to Self-Actualization.
The science of Yoga offers a direct means of stilling the natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of body that prevent us from knowing what we really are. By practicing the step-by-step methods of Meditation—taking nothing for granted on emotional grounds or through blind faith—we come to know our oneness with the Infinite Intelligence, Power, and Joy which gives life to all and which is the essence of our own Self.
The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature, and so find the stability and confidence you will need to live, and die, well. Meditation is the road to enlightenment. -Sogyal Rinpoche
Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordinary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that the mind becomes a dynamic centre of direct perception—no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but capable of actually experiencing Truth. It brings you an intensely personal and spiritual experience.
When you go beyond the consciousness of this world, knowing that you are not the body or mind, and yet aware as never before that you exist – that divine consciousness is what you are. You are that in which is rooted everything in the universe. – Yogananda
Be cautious next time while adding something to your lives…