Generally people don’t have time to read the complete story, they go for the short snippet so shorter posts if you post every day makes sense. Reader of blogs has a very short attention span so make your point and stop. By limiting your posts to less 300 characters on average can you attract and retain a larger audience. While short and concise usually wins, the reality is that if the post is well written and pulls the reader through to the end, they will read until the end.
General blogs are with 250 Words/Post
There will always be at least equal amount of people who will remove your blog from their news readers if you don’t satisfy them with enough details in the content. The true art of writing doesn’t come with just the writing but the editing. It’s rarely perfect the first time out of your head. Given the length you should edit the posts before publishing and often chop it out small paragraphs. Though post length is not as important as the idea and how you convey it. A long article, followed by a few shorter ones, may be what your audience needs to keep them interested in your blog. And, you tend to acquire more SEO juice as well.
Inconsistency in your posting schedule is Another reason to irritate your readers.
What does a posting schedule have to do with post length? Readers like consistency. If you’re going to post only three times a week, let your readers know that. Ultimately, readers come to appreciate and frequent a blog because it provides value to them. The value that it provides to your reader and you will probably never realize what that value is.
As a blogger, you need to continually come up with new idea and create fresh content. Updating your blog regularly is necessary to grow your traffic and retain existing readers or subscribers.
Building a popular blog is tricky. Writing is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, suggesting that a good writer starts with creativity and spends the rest of their time refining and editing his primary idea.”