Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Who is regulating your life?

by | Jan 17, 2011 | Productivity

When you resolute something with conviction it seems that you are trying to take control of your life and then when you break them knowingly it is like giving the steering wheel to someone else. Keeping yourself high spirited by sticking to your resolutions for some duration is struggling to come out of your existing state. I don’t dislike people for breaking their resolutions over and over but astonish to see them sharing it proudly. It was a straight blow on my head when one of them said “Resolution to hote hee todne ke liye hain, sir jee” Resolutions are made to break only.

What you think about most of the time you see around you and become. If you see the world and yourself through a lens smudged by negativity then you’ll find much misery. If you look outwards and inwards through lens brightened by positivity you’ll find much to be happy and appreciative about. So being happy or miserable is seldom so much about the external circumstances at the moment. It’s more about how you look at them, yourself and your world.

I drive my life following quote of Aristotle “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

This phenomenon is natural and happening all the time. What exactly we are doing with our lives for the sake of happiness? One of friends wondered me by saying that happiness is something which is going to definitely last and thus it is foolish to follow it as ones goal. I attend this one by saying that it depends upon the type of happiness you are targeting. For this you have to reach the source of happiness if your target is some material object which is going to last than obviously your happiness is also going to diminish with it. So the objective of your happiness should be something which can outlive you. Eternal happiness is quite vast like the universe which can never last and being a human you must give a try identifying it.

Mood : Revolutionary

The concluding part of this blog post is continued in next post link as I can regulate my own life.


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