Rohit’s Blog!

Being in this world…

Work Life balance can be achieved through freedom of thought, whole hearted attention skills & spending time with your best buddies

May 17, 2019 | Idiosyncrasies

Achieving work life balance is a matter of prioritizing and sticking to it, no matter what. Focusing on the task on hand and strictly unplugging from everything else leaves us with so much more time and energy than we need. Let’s prioritize self first, family next and work thereafter.

Life being fluid, there’s a need for us to shuffle responsibilities and distribute attention between all the aspects of life that support us. But do you find yourself heavily tilted towards one area alone? Maybe drowning in work due to stiff targets, neglecting self and family? Or an issue at home leaving you restless and under performing at work?

In recent meetings with my college time friends I realized seeking attention is getting expensive commodity even with the ones you want to hang out. Achieving work life balance has turned as a serious challenge and on the top of it your constant starvation for social media and entertainment makes it worse.

Allocating time to nourish the mind and exercising body helps us experience happy vibrations with family. Faith and prayers have immense rejuvenating power. We can then step into our workplace with enthusiasm. And when we are happy at work, going back home happy becomes easy. In short, let’s do what is needed and switch off.

No office calls when with family or friends, no distractions when eating, no compromise on your hobbies and sleep timings. This discipline brings a healthy balance in life. I always try to remind myself, “I have the art of balancing personal life and family time, work and friendships.”

The art of balancing different aspects of life needs a little practice and persistence. It also needs a fierce determination to never totally give up on one of them when the other seems a priority. We say – This quarter my projects have very demanding targets, so all my attention has to be on work. This means for 3 months – for 90 days – we carry an energy of hurry, anxiety and turbulence.

We may not also focus enough on health, family time or social life. And then after 3 months, chances are that projects in the subsequent quarter are also equally challenging, if not more. So, this creates an imbalance, with time and energy heavily tilted towards career. It’s critical to prioritize, but let’s make sure every aspect of life gets equal attention.

Looking back at the 46th year of my life I realize during my adolescent years my refusal to complain about the opportunities I missed in my life. Lately this year I remembered my childhood passion for singing and music which I lived and breath for was superimposed due to many other aspects of my life. Everything in life will fade what will remain with you are the gratifying memories.

The things that really matter in life are relationship, honesty, respect, material success is important but not fundamental to happiness and peace of mind. In the end when your carrier is behind you what remains is family and friends you have made.

We need a life that is healthy and which allows you to live with your own conscious i.e. freedom of thought. Everything else is transient. I’m glad with the help of my couple of friends I’m trying to pursue it again.


  1. Sanjeev

    Agree with your thoughts and heads up for friends get together, after a frequent interval of time. It means a lot

  2. Amit Sharma

    I totally agree and I too believe that three lemons are very important in our life

  3. Inder Mohan Bathla

    It’s very rightly written by my friend Rohit. The balance of all aspects of life is the biggest management of life. In the words of Steve Jobs”Nothing GREAT IS EVER ACHIEVED WITHOUT ENTHUSIASM”.

    To set priorities in life is very important. A perfect balance between Family, friends and job is the art to develop. A first person may say that I have only one day to complete my work so it is very difficult to justify it.

    The another person may say that I have 24 hrs to complete the work let see what happens.
    The third person may say I have 86400 seconds so I have a great chance to finish my work with satisfaction.

    It’s all your attitude that determines your thought process


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